Yay! Kill Bill 3 coming at us in 2014 apparently, my wife read it on a russian news site, Quinton had an interview with an italian interviewer or something, but damn happy days for me. Uma wants a few years to get into shape maybe that's why the late date, also mentioned something about Bill probably won't be in it (duh but interesting), so i'll call it like a thought since no.2 Kill Bill 3 will all be about her going up against the now fully blind but still dangerous Elle and the deceased Copperhead's daughter either trained up by Elle or the seemingly dead Bill eh? Too bad Bill is "really dead". I wonder if BB will be bad ass?
http://perezhilton.com/2009-10-01-tarantin...lks-kill-bill-3 found a link.
Yes i want this movie made, despite the negative feeling of this thread intended, and i guess it's sorely a remake interest thread, just didn't want to create a new thread about my beloved KIll Bill fandom. someone else can!