Shopping around for an LED, looking at a Samsung series 8 (200Hz, 46" or 55" size).. they look fantastic,
haven't checked out much of the others like Sharp (no) or Sony (alright!), anyone here got one of these babies, what brand you think
has the edge over the competition, why did you choose X brand etc, really appreciate someone in the know with some helpful insight!
When the whole HD thing took off i ignored it to a large extent, stayed away from spending big, but i'm finding it hard to resist now,
LED blows me away, and i'm dying to play some Macross on it. So sweet it's light and thin, hang it up anywhere, nice.
whats the go, some guy was going on about how the human eye can only pick up on 80Hz, and said it's more to do with cabling and contrast,
i stood during my work lunch hour one day watching Tranny 2 and i saw a great difference with the 200 over the 100Hz (the stuttering for example),
I do understand the 200 is double the frame per second of the 100Hz. LOL 3,000,000:1 Dynamic Contrast Ratio wtf...
Been living with a loyal LG Flatron for the last 15 years, good old TV, it will be the future little one's TV, now dad's going to let loose with some Super TV hardware!
Most Impressive. Can it get much better? I'll wait another 10 years or more for holographic interface i guess?
Just want to add something else interesting, it's got internal flash memory, with the Full Media@2.0, and the fact internet capable, the soft(firm?)ware will be upgradable over time, just like my PSP does etc, improving the longevity of the tv, totally hope this is possible..
The missusand I will be watching the Winter Olympics in style next year that's for sure! ... NRL season... drooolllz