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Everything posted by ruskiiVFaussie

  1. *faints* I want a step-by-step of how to do this! My skills are basic, i got to ripping up my VF-1S sparey legs, cut em in half and tried to carve the line so it aleast looks decent. But haven't attempted to finish it off. This is just... The need to rip off those boosters and fps and have it normal gerwalk.. It's soooO beautiful! Working joints too... gawd. *dies* Thanks Shawn.
  2. That is one INCREDIBLE diorama display there! Amazing, right down to Vadar speaking to the Emperor. A dream!
  3. Wasn't that just a photoshop mod?
  4. fuggin kick ass man. http://www.hobbyfan.com:80/product_info.ph...roducts_id=6404 I'd probably get a SS1 Goku if it came out, it's just too awesome this sculpt. Of course when they bring out Vegeta... SOLD! If anything to nit pick it would be the slight skinny side to the arms. Probably just a funny angle the way the joint is bent i guess.
  5. Just massive isn't it, the 51 compared to the 1S.
  6. ruskiiVFaussie

    2 seater 1/48s

    Totally, awesome.. When the Ostrich's backpack flops over in Gerwalk, it'll lock in place good enough won't it? The old 1/60 version was a little floppy. Just trying to imagine it in my hands now...
  7. lol, yeah totally, personally i prefer to be her pre-mixed drink, or her tank top, but i dunno. Self confessed Revy lover! Everyone has posted kick arse poses and displays here, i have been slack, can't believe this is the first time i displayed my Ride Armours. haha I'll post more once i get my diorama stuff. Also have been meaning to colour one of my Revy's a blondey but still haven't got round to it. Are you going to get the yellow/blowspieier (spell?) fig mate? can't wait for that one! By the time they finish the MH line i'll (we'll) have a propery biker gang!
  8. yayyy VF-2SS sap. Just a quicky i got better pics coming..
  9. "Gimme back my ride biatch! Dayammit!"
  10. I wanna do the backpack mod soon. I'll probably colour the handle, maybe.. probably.
  11. Yes you'z are seeing right, it's my first mod for the MH r/armours, the particle beam cannon/rifle. I used one of Revy's sub machine guns for this mod, cut and modified the rifle's handle and insides (obviously) to able the massacar'd sub machiney handle and lower frame to easily stick there without glue to give Revy something to hold. First thing i noticed (as the particle rifle is a big fav of mine) was the CRAPPY ASS lame excuse MH used for having the rifle just stuck to a swappable hand. I totally hate that. So i made good. Cool ya? Wait a moment, another 10 pics or so coming. I can and won't take out the part connecting to the handle and trigger as i think it looks cool. The handle and trigger by itself looks a little lacking.
  12. You know what sucks tho, Bandai didn't finish their line of Hybrids, they didn't do Majin Buu Vegeta!
  13. Drooling over these pics of all these new Legioss/Treads you guys have got.
  14. yeah i have alot of the Hybrids figs! Very cool but you are correct they are fiddly but understandably they are VERY small. Really? No saiyan head? That's crap! Losers! Remember the release that had a poseable figure that included normal, super heads and alternate armour as a pack? I can't remember the name, it was before my time when i started collecting but it totally rocked, Vegeta pack had saiyan targetting comp, Ape head and tail and small Goku for diorama purposes. One head though, not going to bother getting first Vege if they pull this on us.
  15. http://www.hlj.com/product/MEDRAH-375 Questions for the peeps who have RAH figures... are they cool? No doubt Vegeta is next. I want a decent poseable figure of Veg. Any pics of previous/existing RAh figures with under clothes muscle build? These figs that have the removeable clothing kick arse for final battle poses with blood and stuffs! Can they do proper Haduken/kameyhameyha hand positions? (sure in the pic it can do that one part of the kameyhameyha but can he complete the 4-3 parts of the move? Any info if they would have the Super Saiyan golden hair head swap? Suck if they didn't.
  16. I don't think he has any other packs after this one. I'll ask him.
  17. Sonic bird scheme is really nice.
  18. Looks brilliant Cap!!!
  19. Teh Gay! Mutha puss bucket! ^&(^*&%@ @_@_)@@$$!
  20. Are they even allowed to visit this site? :P
  21. For the good people who are getting their 21's off HobbyLINKJapan.com, can you please postif they have given you make payment notice? The last couple of times i never got an e-mail, so i was a couple days lte getting mine paid. Cheers in advance! sorry, meant hobby link japan. www.hlj.com
  22. OooOooo, niceeeeeeee, wings totally look cool on the eva. Stuff me, Bandai will release a third SPEC run now with wings.
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