Premiering in April 2008, Macross Frontier is the third television anime series to spin from the popular Macross universe. Produced in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the original series with Kawamori Shoji onboard as supervising director, the series is a mixture of 2-D and 3-D animation from studio Satelight which also animated the Macross Zero OVA. Macross F revolves around stunningly fair-featured pilot-in-training Saotome Alto. The aloof teen is in constant friction with his father who disapproves of his flying. Other than that, galactic teen life on Macross F is as normal as ever, between listening to pop idol Sheryl Nome, competing with friend and rival Mikhail, and fulfilling his duties as a member of the S.M.S. Skull Squadron. Alto is called into action to man the new VF-25 aerospace fighter when alien mecha called Vajira begin attacking the Macross fleet.
Why has this release got English text, is there a possibility of it being subbed?
can't copy the text, can anyone translate?
Whats this mean? Bonuses?
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