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Everything posted by ruskiiVFaussie

  1. Snap. There's going to be a donkey show???!!? You guys will live like GODS.
  2. SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP! 1/100's aren't that bad tho....
  3. yeah that sounds about right, are the numbers tampo'd??? If so i'll dodge it.
  4. Same here with Shin! I want a Roy VF-0S, but only if it includes the Reactive. Couldn't care about his Ghost, rather display in reactive or without Ghost in fighter mode.
  5. Hmm i forgot about the tampo printing too... I might just cancel my idea of getting the 1A Hikky. What was his numbers in his DYRL? 1A everyone??
  6. Try and build the pose on the pilot's character. For Roy it's all about being bad ass drunk'n cool. And Hikaru can be the same, but a little more serious, especially in the 1S. I can't explain it better for now, i'll be doing the same once i get the time. All i know is once i get my Hikky 1A new 1/60 i'll have a whale of a time doing new poses the 1/48's can't. And that's alot! When we get the 1D new 1/60 i'll deffinently do some clumsy poses for poor rookie Hikaru! THEY BETTER INCLUDE MINMAY!
  7. Your GBP-1S'd 1J looks great in that pose, it's inpiring me to place my Hikky 1J back in the armour. Of course only partly, i need to re-create Mirya's Partial GBP-1S Millia! See? we all help each other out here. :-P
  8. The main hero looks ok (silver haired black outfit) and his bike is ok as well, but the others. lol One of these "need to watch and love the show" things.
  9. Deffinently Max 1A next. Then Kakizaki i spose... Does that mean i have to wait 2 more releases before my Hikky 1S? Of course the CF-1A will be a CHA-CHING!
  10. some VF-0D news should be soon.. either that or the VF-11. Want the D badly.
  11. Well if they did bring out the 9 in 1/60 scale i'd sure as hell buy it..
  12. heh heh.
  13. Pretty sad, my wife and i have been there once, and she's flying to tokyo half way through this month.. Thoughts and Prayers to all the victims families.
  14. oi no i didn't read in anything you said about gerwalk, just that most people don't dig the 21's gerwalk overall. The legs look fine.
  15. Gerwalk for the 1/60 YF-21 is deffinently not a weak point, i reckon it's awesome!
  16. 15 bucks... >_<
  17. heh they have the rights to design, why not! :-)
  18. I want to know what the box art for the new 1/60's will be like. Are they going to do something refreshing or not? If they aren't up to much scrap maybe i might order this, atleast i'll get a 1A head, and i'd be able to get a head recast (hopefully) for a 1S Hikky. :-)
  19. Great pics! Thanks for posting a pic of the cover art for the back of the box.
  20. Yep, and when you pri open their jackets, you can remove the piece (one piece not stuck so that when you remove, it won't rip) no nips though, bastids. erfect for a mecha girl mod!
  21. Ahh, looks great. But i'll snub this one as well and wait for the Max 1A. (atleast i know the Max 1A should get Strike/Super FPS!)
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