Look, NO, we don't want to see or know what you do with it OTHER than using it on your Valks fighter mode.... huh
As you all can see, I had fun! {my cloud/feathers diorama highlighted by the YF-21 and Fold really looks neat.}
I just used the delayed capture method, it's not really that advanced but it is something i can do that's interesting for me.
I will try and create a cool little pic story for yas.
:edit: You guys should view it either way, start to finish or back to front like Guld is defolding or folding.
[ Guld's YF-21 Test Fold - fold field appears over planet Eden in the dead of night high up in the clouds and the
fold's energy disperses in a impressive display of violent colourful lashes, the sky is momentarily brightened
by the charged air particles and distorted clouds surrounding the YF-21. (did I do a good job of explaining the Fold? see pics. ]