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Everything posted by ruskiiVFaussie

  1. Good review. I own one and love it to bits, my only variable 25 toy.
  2. Hikaru's first. By all means milk the hero colours! White just does it for me, other colours are too busy.
  3. it kicks [aussie]arse[\aussie] huh! Good to know!
  4. lol, she's having trouble there with that koenig. Thanks for those pics Boyarque~!
  5. cool! achem, "that" movie wasn't too bad. lol
  6. Awesome pics!!! U know I don't think there is a single bad angle on this beast! I want to go nuts with decals on my sheryl guard koenig. No one likes displaying one gun arm and the other still with the hand extension? That's what i want to do anyways for display, Destroid mode for sure.
  7. I want this on the wing fins or something...
  8. How are the joints holding up guys? I read this ain't that heavy, but got some nice metal parts where needed. I'm f'n excited about this, i plug the laptop into my 55" led and click slideshow on my vb-6 special folder, about 160 pics worth of DROOL. Funny, i absolutely love my weathered 1/60 tomohawk, and this being a variable destroid makes me want more destroids, that 1/100 Monster is in my sights.... 1/100 army!!!
  9. won't be long now, sheryl guard koenig on the way!
  10. 21 gets my vote.
  11. Gorgeous new Sheryl!!!
  12. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=32626&st=70 Just rad. Cept in the above pic you can actually listen to stuff! A portable fully variable FULLY POSEABLE MP3 Playa! WANT! hell make them red plates light up too. Go the full hog!
  13. "Battle Damaged, or should i say Mangled 1/3000 Prometheus" as web exclusive! too bad 1/3000 is too small a scale for a gerwalk VT, or for rotting corpses... too bad we never got to see the fate of the Daedalus as well. So make a poll for Promethius and Daedalus Combo pack. IT makes sense, more than Chewbacca living on Endor anyways.
  14. I threw in Battroid YF-21, but meh, i do have my GNU after all..
  15. Almost went and bought AT-ST with 3 fig combo pack. Was 43% off i think, but decided against it.. I really just want a Tie Interceptor, that would be my last SW vehicle anyways, 43% off on the tie fighter, but nah.
  16. I would buy 1/3000 Promethius and Daedalus in a pack. Swap and play.
  17. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Laugh Out Loud... that is hardcore. It's hard enough to score similar size Zentran soldiers...
  18. Macross (Flashback) VF-4 Macross Plus Ghost X-9 Macross II (Lovers Again) VF-2SS (non-fast pack/Super) .. the main ones, the list could grow easy, like battroid kits.
  19. If they DO do it, I'm in for it and that is that, stuff yas! lol
  20. As i mentioned before you can have 2 versions, 1 exclusive with the speakers and one without. I don't think the speakers would lack power, they'd be big enough. Yes, yes Eugimon, i'll be walking around with the 1/60 sound boosters strapped on my back. YOU WILL LISTEN TO MY SONG!!!! Don't deny the cool factor of having your Fire Valk jamming in the middle of your collection, you know you want it, quit the charade. It wouldn't be a full mp3 playereither i guess, just the speakers, with usb cord??
  21. kiddie gimmicks huh, thats what they are, speakers... so?
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