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Everything posted by erizai

  1. just sad....
  2. Don't understand why they won't make more since it's pre-order. @@
  3. Lol
  4. I do really hope that the shops like HLJ, NY, AmiAmi come out a way to determine which customer is genuine. and give priority to long time customer. Since is a pre-order Bandai actually can make base on demand. why make life so difficult? They can penalize those cancel order and black list those...
  5. Bandai, why cant you make more??? upset
  6. WTF....... &@#^**^P*#
  7. Nice try on Riobot for the Legioss , keep it up. I hope it can get a little slimmer.
  8. Personally, I think Arcardia's logical choice will be VF-1D as not much engineering job to do, at least gain some momentum and get going. while releasing old mould, they can take theirs time to redesign YF-21, to stay on the game. 1/48 is only beginning while majority collector are stuck with 1/60 and 1/100. as per 1/60 in term of size for those space constraint collector still have some edge for now... but when 1/48 gain up momentum, Arcadia better offer premium finish as a standard issue instead of asking more, as Bandai will be unstoppable. in 3 years if Arcadia still think like the pass... good luck.
  9. Wow
  10. This one is nice!!!! But personally hope it can be more slender and lean.
  11. Hopefully you are right. the proportion of the legioss is is bad, not even close to the lineart. The fighter mode also bad in my humble opinion. I had waited 30 years for this I hope sentinel don't miss fired...
  12. LMAO
  13. Exact sentiment, I don't think any Macross fans can resist... by one minute sold out or less... lol I am a bit curious though how they can put in the GBP in the current design.
  14. I hope this sent out strong signal, Macross rocks... Bandai, can make more of this series?
  15. Wow, so many painful experiences here. I crashed my page during selecting pay later at NY, I thought I were doomed, Luckily, it went through... I was fxxking lucky then.... lol
  16. Ouch
  17. Yesterday I almost wanted to drop the idea of ordering... but Bandai really priced it right.. Bravo for such a good work and yet affordable, although still early to say about the quality.
  18. Lucky the madness ended.... phew .. congratulation to those secured the orders... Bandai really solid for this stunt..
  19. Secured one at NY, can sleep well tonight, good luck... NY still have stock
  20. Hi But now already Japan Time 3pm (Tokyo), google shows
  21. Hope Arcadia re-design YF-21
  22. Thanks for the sharing, nice picture!
  23. Details looked great, @Gundam@EFSF the fluorescent shot looked intimidating, have you used any HDR for that shot?
  24. lol, looked like everybody think alike...
  25. Thank god, they slow down... lol my pocket need a rest.... peace
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