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About ARK 3

  • Birthday 04/14/1965

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  • Old MW Name
    ARK 3 / SpaceTrucker / SpaceDoc 007

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  • Location
    Denver Co,
  • Interests
    -How pepole make thing's

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Global's Pipe Holder

Global's Pipe Holder (6/15)



  1. My cat love to tells me to take break. And now I'm all most ready to make the mega road & same time I'll be working on Maga road 7. Useing 6 kits Robotech / Macross SDF-1 Built Model 1/4000. X6 kits for parts. So this just an update. For short time. I'll post things in about a week or so. Things just went south. 3 years back. So bare with me.
  2. Hey everyone. Just got back on line. For last 3.1/2 years I've been working at my Sinigog working with the Homeless people program as security officer . in that time .lot has happened.
  3. I posted in Catigory's I know that just might Give me the HELP,, That I Need ,

     hoping  to get Help ,

    For years before I joined I researched this sight  reading any of the Category's ,,

    I learned  lot of people don't go to all Form Category's,

    like  Me I personally read a lot of them .

    To learn new things & in past I have read a lot of thing the related,

    to what I need help with  on this site  in the category's ,

    I've seen posting's by others, who don't get on

    that much & they all don't read same info  as outer Hobbyist read, all the time.

    that is a true fact,

    And a bunch of other's haven't been to the site in a long time & what if

    some one were to see the post & read what you posted,

    & read more & even read a few of your post & gave you help on something you were stuk on ,

    or has the one of a kind Item  you 'Benn looking for a long time & made a deal with you so you

    could have it for the 1'st time in your life or replace something you lost as a kid.

    Think abort it  ,

    I was raised ,

    if you need help...

    look for it any where you can Find it .

    I'm Vary sorry if any of you think I was spamming ,

    I wasn't Spamming,, JUST  doing what I learnd from MY Grandmother,

    she Had lot's of Great Wisdom more them my step-parents ever did.


  4. PS, 2'nd insult , you posted in a foreign language Really insult's your Mother's HOUNR, by saying more foreign language words then. what lil words you spoke in English, ,,, so if your a real Man, from 1979,, you'd delete IT , proving your Mom did teach you right & how to Be A COOL DUDE . sorry to see you must have had a bad day before you got on line AND you made Me your Whipping post, this POST Isn't a Whipping post for any one to whip on. Yes I do Whip back ,{ Old School } only immature Children need whipping post to Vent on , { because they did not get what they wanted in life. } when it come's to your MOM's Honor ,,how did she truly bring you up as A DUDE or A !979 Mature Man,? think about it fore a few days before you post back , ID rather have friends , what about you? this is just between us , lets keep it that way, just being Truthful with you as a Man Should. ss'your's 1965 Man,,,,,,,,, not DUDE. I truly hope you have GREAT HorsePucky Day with Better Blessing's,,,
  5. 1979 Dude. YA,,, Dude why cant you Give Better advice, then take A-fence, to the facet I posted in Catigory's I know that just might Give me the HELP,, That I Need , YOU could have be A Cool Dude,, by giving better advice the what you did, Dude , for your info,,, for years before I joined I researched this sight & the Category's ,, I learned lot of people don't go to all Form Category's Me I personally read a lot of them to learn new things & in past I have read a lot of thing the related, to what I need help with on this site in the category's , I've seen posting's by others who don't get on that must & they all don't read same info as you read, all the time. that is a true fact, and a bunch of other haven't been to the site in a long time & what if one of them were to see the post & roped in, & read more & even read a few of your post & gave you help on something you were stuk on , or has the one of a kind Item you 'Benn looking for a long time & made a deal with you so you could have it for the 1'st time in your life or replace something you lost as a kid. Think abort it , [[[[[[ YOU could have said, ]]]]]] I see to many Post by you,, ,, sorry I cant help you , Wish I did know some one with that kind of skill's where you live BUT I do not, Good luck. I was raised if you need help look for it any where you can Find it .
  6. I'm Now looking for Someone in Denver Co, who Knows how top do 3D animation to help with ME, making Mega Road #7, now ready for next Step. You Must live in Denver Co, contact me at : spacetrucker1138@outlook.com
  7. I'm Now looking for Someone in Denver Co, who Knows how top do 3D animation to help with ME, making Mega Road #7, now ready for next Step. You Must live in Denver Co, contact me at : spacetrucker1138@outlook.com
  8. I'm Now looking for Someone in Denver Co, who Knows how top do 3D animation to help with ME, making Mega Road #7, now ready for next Step. You Must live in Denver Co, contact me at : spacetrucker1138@outlook.com
  9. I'm Now looking for Someone in Denver  Co, 

     who Knows how top do  3D animation to help with ME,

    making Mega Road #7,  now ready for next Step.


    You Must live in Denver Co,

    contact me at :    spacetrucker1138@outlook.com 

  10. Hey Gang been long time, been helping a AVT, get in to a Nuseing home , Took lot of money out of my Pocket so now i'm back to doing sketch's and  it took some chuck's of change to help his  deal with his Dementia

    so now till I get my large AIR brush BOOT up & running ill just get back to work on my drawings .  so far only a few 

    things have come to my, Attention  , of some one on INSTGRAM I need to see his page on the Mega road project, so , soon ill be in  INSTGRAM ill then i'm working on many Concepts on many ideal's id like to make. hope to hear more of hats new & see what I might be Inspired by, all I ask of your GUY;s & Gal's just keep up the creativety.

  11. new power-pack fried my motherboard so I'm deeper in the hole with pc's. 

  12. sorry gang my  pc is down , so other works are stopped till I rebuild my pc .

    ill still stay in touch.

  13. lwmirage will you ever do us any Image's of side / top/ front / back/ R-side / L-side/ & under side of You're MEGAROAD & also CAN you do the same for the inner workings of the City also.. Im still trying to understand the Design. so far Every one Dose Angel's of Drawing's & cad image's ,AS well as Cgi, image's, it was 2 months back I just found the 2012 Movie ship images of its side profile & top side/ under side , R-side / L-side/ al I ever saw was Views of it from AMGEL's.,,,
  14. for me I started My research about 5 years after the Collared Manga Flash back with Megaroad & MS.M, on th Cover, came out .. then with my with my Geo-metrical Dyslexia & my Migraine's , I blew up my images I had & wherever I could find them , AND things do hit the State's real late in life un-less you have Group of Cool or Great Friends, { & I was on The UN-Lucky SIDE Factor } so if you like to see work or research in progress go to my links ,,, Do let Me, Know what YOU think. with my Geo-metrical Dyslexia & my Migraine's & being Near sided I Love my small Challenge ,, so do read The notes & leave some Feed back SS'YOUR's ARK III spacetrucker1138@outlook.com
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