Hi folks !
Just passing by to introduce you a very ambitious mod called "MACROSS Univers" which is supposed to cover every opus of the franchise at its term. For now, it is still a WIP status and the first part of the mod is progressing very well, but let's take a step further into details if you don't mind ^^
First of all, I'm not the original modder, that guy is named "cooper59" on this forum, and you can contact him for more informations or simply use this thread just as we will do to keep you informed about how the mod is progressing.
The mod is planned to be released by generation, the first one is almost done and right now cooper59 is having a hard time with A.I coding and I'd like to take the opportunity to ask the community for help.
If someone skilled enough with coding and with plenty of time and passion for the Macross universe like us, might be up to give some advices or even be recruited to help us to achieve this project, he/she would be welcomed onboard. A good understanding/speaking of French would be a bonus ^^
MACROSS Univers is available on steam workshop, you can find it here :
The first part of the mod will cover both the serie and the movie "Do you remember love"
KEEP IN MIND THAT THIS MOD IS STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS. IT HAS BEEN RELEASED FOR TESTING PURPOSES. A lot of units are missing, only a few are available in deathmatch mode, no skirmish vs CPU support yet.
Here's a little trailer to give you an idea of what it looks like, have fun and see you soon !
Edit :
As you may have noticed, there is no description for the first updates within the logs, but it is about to change. First, I would like to detail how we are going to proceed.
So, each update will start by a "0" and thus, until the final release which will most likely be "1.0" and should change again after that... The second digit represents the generation being developed at the moment, and the last part of the designation is the step-by-step evolution for the generation being developed. For instance, right now the mod has the current status "0.1.10", so this is the 10th update for the 1st generation. Here's the mini roadmap (subject to changes) 0.1.xx => Macross TV show & movie 0.2.xx => Macross+ & Macross7 0.3.xx => Macross Frontier 0.4 is under discussion for Macross Delta implementation 0.5 Going to BETA 0.X Fixing bugs/balancing > 0.1.10 - Fixed an issue with "ARMD cruiser" and "Oberth destroyer" building process > 0.1.09 - Added the ARMD class for carrier and cruiser > 0.1.01 => 0.1.08 - release of the mod under testing protocol - Add various units without A.I for deathmatch *SDF1 version TV show *Spider Bug *Lockhee SF-3A Lancer II *Northrom QF-3000E Ghost *Stonewell Bellcom VF-4 Lightning III *Shinnakasu VF-1J Super Valkyrie *Nupetiet-Vergnitzs *Quiltra Queleual
And here's a little sum up of the situation :
To make it short, cooper is definitely the brain of this project, he manages the models rendering, scripts edition, animations and FX/SFX integration all that kind of stuff that make my eyes crossing in only few hours On my side, I'm an "Ad Hoc" paintbrush and as it, I take care of movie making and test the mod before any update on steam (that's right I've got units to play with that you don't ^^). I also try to save cooper some time, for instance right now I'm isolating and gathering the maximum of sounds from the Macross series to build a sound data bank for him to quickly integrate SFX.
The sad part is that both of us aren't skilled enough in coding for now and from here we have two options...either we can get into it, but not now because of the models priority, or, and it would be the better, we can find a nice and AI-skilled person already used to deal with those problematics. In the first case, it might grealty increase the delay since cooper would have to start coding from scratch :/ He is already in contact with people who might be helpful but beyond that I'm afraid I don't know that much about where it goes, I guess we'll see.
See you guys !