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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. I managed to get mine and complete it out over the last weekend. Overall, I love the shape and presentation. The decals and colour separation could have been better. So many places after I had snapped things together, referring back to the instructions showed indications where paint would need to be applied to improve the look and feel of the kit. Did some disassembly and painting so there's a bit better looking a colour separation to it. What got me the most niggles of all were the decals. So many big narrow long ones that caused me to damage a few and not have a couple sitting snugly in certain places. What niggled me more though were the decals that went on top of other decals! These decals area already presented in 4 colours. Why couldn't they use a 5th colour or re-use the same 4th colour to print that additional layer onto it rather than needing a second decal to go on top of one already applied? Weird design choice for sure.
  2. The thing I've noticed as differences between GFFMC, MB to Metal Robot Damashii while scale is one of them, the stand is definitely another. I've got a MRD Strike Freedom and was lucky to also be able to land a set of the effect parts. However I don't have it on permanent display because the stand is quite naff. There's no real ability for me to adjust where's it's directed or angled. The stand is a straight vertical block and all the way the arms are positioned effectively set it to really only be in full burst display and not much else. Does anyone have suggestions to being able to make it be displayed more dynamically posed? Could an Action Base 5 be used to give it more dynamic flying posed positions and angles?
  3. If you think about it, it was a cease and desist... Thus CDJapan, AmiAmi and the like have taken their Gunpla off their site's listings. Bandai's priority is their local market. The scalpers and resellers were negatively affecting the Japanese builders being unable to get any stock. Bandai's affecting that situation first while production capacity builds to enable a release of the taps to the overseas markets. I think by the time this happens, the overseas wholesale and distribution will have reconfigured somewhat because the international market purchasers will be sourcing their purchases from elsewhere.
  4. Yeah I don't know to be honest. None of this really affects me personally because the majority of my kits have been second hand buys off Facebook Marketplace of recent years. There has been the odd occasion that I have gone and purchased at a retail store but I think it was nearly 2 years ago with an MG XN Raiser. I also don't think the scalping situation is something that really affects Australia all that much because Australian prices by basic default is scalper pricing anyway. Many times during the initial phase of my entry to the hobby I'd see a kit which Bandai recommends to be ¥2,200 be sitting on store shelves for $AU35-45 where a direct conversion it should be $AU25. It's this alone that has had me shy away from retail purchases for the most part. I got banned from Facebook Gunpla groups because I asked what I thought was reasonable questions to why the pricing of kits was so much over what Bandai RRP sets them at... I guess the importer asked favours to stop the questioning. I honestly don't have answers to why Bandai is doing this nor how much of a negative effect that scalpers have been having against the JDM Gunpla towards their stock shortages. I hope though that my above post will help give some understanding to some who are experiencing some of the negative effects to why their usual suppliers aren't able to supply stock.
  5. I was late on the Metal Build side of things and never was able to get any of the 00 MB series. This Devise is quite alluring - especially so given that it looks quite a lot like the base Exia but with an updated backpack. It's still super sleek and gosh that makes it look great. I might try to get onto the pre-order for it. Generally what time does pre-orders open for these products in Japan time? 4pm there? Where would be candidate locations I should refresh pages go for?
  6. Bit of clarification has come to this Bandai notice. It's to do with the local stores which does sales and shipping overseas Specifically with the stores that did not have any purchase restrictions to what an account could buy Bandai understood that stores like CDJapan and AmiAmi were selling bulk loads of kits to accounts who would do secondary re-sale overseas with their mark-up This was causing continued stock shortage in the JDM and given JDM is the most important/biggest market for Bandai then they did this to protect their most important customers This only affected the retail stores that sold unrestricted numbers overseas HLJ always has imposed limits on order numbers and thus aren't affected BlueFin/Bandai USA are importers and distributors and thus aren't affected HobbyCo for Australia are the same as above, not affected Other Japanese distributors who's business model is to sell in bulk are also not affected Bandai has also been working on increasing their production capacity to further future proof and alleviate the stock supply shortages in the long term So if you used to buy from a reseller where you never knew their source and now they don't have ability to sell anything - the above is the answer. You may need to switch to HLJ or any other local or local-online store that sources their kits from importer distributors like BlueFin or HobbyCo. This negatively affects those who live in countries that don't have an official Bandai import and distribution license and their only source of kits has been from the secondary resellers who purchased from places like CDJapan and AmiAmi - for these people, it'll have to be importing their kits from places like HLJ from here on till Bandai has been able to increase its production capacity significantly.
  7. This 30th anniversary colour version of the 29 is probably my most favourite of all the DX VFs I own. I've been looking at it and its starting to have some yellow discolourations on some of the white pieces. I've been doing some reading and see that there are people who have had success with removing the discolouration with 12% peroxide and a plastic bag. I'd be intending to be very careful to only paint the peroxide on places where the discolouration has occurred (fuselage, wings, legs) Has anyone's 30th Anniv YF-29 been experiencing some yellowing? Has anyone tried cleaning it with the peroxide and sunlight method? Would doing #2 have an effect towards the painted decals that are on the white areas of the plastic?
  8. I got a PG Banshee and went all out to accessorise it as much as possible. VN/BS pack, LED, Delpi Decals, metal detail up parts... then finally what works out as a very good case for it - it's actually sized for a Lego Lion Voltron kit but the dimensions works well enough for this. I call it the Banshee Neo edition. Guns... all of them.
  9. Has anyone got a copy of the GFFMC Zaku II figures that had Katoki design attached to it? Are they a worthwhile pick up? Or would there be some other figure that would arguably be more worthwhile getting?
  10. After Christmas I was able to invest in and get a bigger display cabinet so I could expand my collection out of the single Detolf that they were all in for however many years they were there. With the expansion in space, I was finally able to put on display the VF-25F that I'd had sitting in its box for well over a year. 2 questions. 1) When I bought the VF-25, I also purchased a Smoke Clear display stand in with it as a bundle. I've subsequently read that it doesn't fit exactly with the renewal version that I have. Is that correct? 2) I need to invest in a second Yetistand... but I've also read that Yeti has been out of action here for a little bit... is there any likelihood or means to be able to purchase a stand with his website being down still?
  11. Amazing... such an old DX and even still, the pre-orders sell out within 15 minutes of opening.
  12. https://www.gundam-base.net/special/rg_unicorn_twc-lm.php RG Unicorn, light up edition!
  13. Ooh, thanks. It's essentially only a $5 on top of the P-Bandai price by getting it via Nippon Yassan. I didn't think about this place. Thanks!
  14. P-Bandai? So... it's all of a sudden hard to get. Any suggestions to where to keep a watch on for pre-orders?
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