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  1. unlogic

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    After a long time, I transformed my VF-19 Advance from battroid to fighter mode. This bird is really PITA to transform Impossible to not scratch anything. I hope Bandai smooth out YF-19 transformation process a bit (better tolerance etc).
  2. unlogic

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Guys, I'm a bit in dilemma. I have budget only for one VF-31. It is between VF-31F and VF-31S. I like VF-31F color scheme but don't like the 31F head really much. Especially the unicorn spike thingy. Overall 31F head just looks so weird. I prefer 31S head and I'm collecting leader valks. Anyone has any prediction when 31S will be released? 31F is just around the corner..hmm
  3. Already got mine but I have not transform it yet. Many Japanese reviewers complained Sv-262 is really hard and scary to transform (much harder than VF-171 and VF-19 ADVANCE). So I will wait for jenius transformation video to be safe before I break something
  4. From the twitters, most of them complaining (?) about Sv-262 is really complex to transform
  5. unlogic

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Interesting that VF-25 looks more “organic”.
  6. taken from my camera
  7. Sorry in advance if I'm wrong, I think I saw the battroid mode at the end of the OP (Episode 2)..Hard to tell what it was look like because the animation was too fast (fighting scene with Delta 05)..Let's wait for someone to upload it..​
  8. unlogic

    Bandai DX VF-31

    So if VF-31J release is winter 2016, VF-31S is somewhere in 2017? Far far away!
  9. unlogic

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Yeah, I hope so. I also want YF-19! Or at least they can re-issue the VF-19 Advance. I missed to buy one (at normal price) Other than www.animenewsnetwork.com, any other sites reported about YF-19? I haven’t heard any rumours in Japanese...hmm
  10. unlogic

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I just noticed VF-31 arms are so skinny!!
  11. unlogic

    Bandai DX VF-31

    According to IXTL uploaded magazine picture. A bit blurry but I can read Japanese. It stated winter release for VF-31J.
  12. unlogic

    Bandai DX VF-31

    So VF-31 and Sv-262 will be released in winter (December?). Why so far away?
  13. unlogic

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Guys, anybody knows (or predicted) in what month they will release VF-31? I want to limit my budget this year. I'm planning to buy only VF-31S and TF Masterpiece Optimus Primal.
  14. unlogic

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The have the base mold and Bandai wants our money more..hehe Yeah, the S already for Arad’s valk..maybe different letter for Alpha 01 (if they make one)..VF-31Z sounds cool to me Delta wing, military color-ish, default real weapon pod instead of the charger thingy, new leader head for leader valk, Bandai can take my money (again)!
  15. unlogic

    Bandai DX VF-31

    A bit hard to see, I think it's more like "alpha" letter..so delta wings of "Alpha Squadron" in the making?..I want an S version!
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