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General Rasp

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Everything posted by General Rasp

  1. Damn, If they do make that it would be amazing. I would definitely get one and I bet the Hi-metals would look so good with it.
  2. Mine should arrive Friday. I am happy I waited for the American release. If you like the regular release you should try to find the SKL Final Count ver. It is an excellent figure. The SRC line is really good and I love all the figures I have from the line.
  3. HLJ should have it up this week. Their pre-order usually go up one or two days after other sites like NY or Hobby Search.
  4. General Rasp

    Hi-Metal R

    I wonder if they went with this color to have some variety with the Destroids? Maybe the felt the screen color was too close to the Defender and wouldn't stand out? I am getting three of the Tomahawk. And if they do a tan re-coloring I will get three of those also. It is one of my favorite mech designs.
  5. My preference are the Metal Build gundams. I have handled GFFMC and Metal Builds, and to me the Metal Builds feel alot sturdier. The plastic seems stronger and able to be pose without a fear of breaking. And the weight with the Metal Builds is amazing, we are paying a lot for those figures but they feel worth it. The GFFMC are nice, no question, but to me they have less play value. They seem like they are going to break if handled too much. The plastic quality also seems thinner. Has anyone else noticed that or is it just me? No3Ljm does make a good point with each line they have specific suits and they haven't crossed. Metal Builds have done Seed and 00 suits were as GFFMC has done mostly U.C suits, F91 being the exception. So if you like the Wing Gundam GFFMC, buy it. I doubt it will come out as a Metal Build. I would have preferred it as a Metal Build myself but I am definitely pre-ordering it.
  6. Nice! Would you recommend Emperor G to someone who enjoy's SRC? I have been tempted to get him and hoping that he will go on a HLJ sale.
  7. General Rasp

    Hi-Metal R

    Has anyone's pre-order at HLJ processed?
  8. General Rasp

    Hi-Metal R

    Personally I don't mind the lilac grey. It still looks great and I am so excited for a 1/100 Tomahawk. It is my favorite destroid and will be getting three of them.
  9. I recently got the Legacy Dragonzoard in from BBTS and found the Green Ranger at Barnes and Noble, it was meant to be! When Power Rangers first came out I had the Megazord but missed out on the Dragonzord. Once the SOC Megazord is released state site the set will be complete for me. A win for the younger me.
  10. I am surprised it took that long. Usually the Metal Builds don't last 30 mins.
  11. Man I hope I don't see that Venom revoltech at the comic con in two weeks. I my not be able to stop myself from buying it.
  12. Looking forward to shipping my Hikaru with two HMR Spartans when they come instock later this month.
  13. Looking at the picture I wonder how they are going to do the radar dish.
  14. I really need to pick this guy up. I am hoping the next time HLJ has a sale the shape shifting armor will be included.
  15. General Rasp

    Hi-Metal R

    That is an amazing diorama! Excellent job!!
  16. General Rasp

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah....... I think I will be skipping it. It looks really cool but there are other figures that I want to put my money toward. I was hoping for more destroid releases.
  17. General Rasp

    Hi-Metal R

    I am hoping for the Tomahawk. I want a squad of three on my desk shooting everything. I wonder if the missile effects could be use with them...
  18. Pre-ordered at HLJ. I am sure I will have other items to ship with Milia by the time September comes. That was a very easy pre-order, much nicer than trying to get bandai stuff. Just need that Max pre-order and I will be all set.
  19. Hopefully next we will yes the Elintseeker rerelease. I can't see Arcadia releasing another VF with their current schedule.
  20. I am reserving judgement on the premium VF until Hikaru is released. I would like to see direct comparisons of the final products between the premium and the regular.
  21. Oh Wow!!! I am definitely getting both. I like the color saturation Arcadia is going with and I hope they turn out good. I never had a chance to get the Yamato 1/60 M&M so this is awesome news. And as long as the super parts look good I am ok with them not matching the series 100%. The color on the super parts changes so much I feel going by the movie is better. It would be nice if there was a record of when the show was being drawn and there where notes on what the super parts were supposed to look like. Looks like I am getting more VF-1s than VF-31s this year.
  22. I would try using Pledge Future polish first. It shouldn't damage the plastic and works as a good thickening agent. I have used on several figures and models. https://www.amazon.com/Johnson-Pledge-Floor-Multi-Surface-Finish/dp/B000ARPH4C/ref=sr_1_1_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1491401895&sr=8-1&keywords=future+floor+polish
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