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General Rasp

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Everything posted by General Rasp

  1. If anyone did purchase the GN Arms from AmiAmi or other overseas shop, I would love to know how much shipping was. I regret not getting the P-Bandai and want to save up for a second hand purchase.
  2. Yes they were. Kudos to Hasbro that they increased supply. And so far all the exclusives have been repaints and don't feel like you are missing out on a unique character or figure.
  3. Who would have thought the Classified Series would be doing so well after that first wave and the first Target exclusives. All the figures in this new wave look great. Where Zombie Troopers a thing in the show?
  4. Hope you have an easy recovery and get better soon.
  5. Please post an update if you are able to replicate that pose and how long it took.
  6. I wonder why Starcraft wasn't included? The one Blizzard game I might buy something from.
  7. Same here, I have all the Crossbone releases so far and I know I will be picking this one up also. I wonder if Bandai will be releasing Phantom or Anchor Gundam in another year or two. The base metal F-91/97 frame should work.
  8. That is the Gundam Crossbones Patchwork, correct? When Bandai started doing the Crossbone Gundams I wondering if Bandai would make this version.
  9. If you pre-order through Goodsmile's website the base is a bonus, but you have to order through their website. I have the original figma Guyver 1 and definitely want to pick this newer version. The Guyver figures are probably the best Figmas made.
  10. You know I don't the idea of a Heavyarms tank mode with Igel parts. I am getting a Shin Getter 3 image thinking about it. A Tallgeese Flugel would be amazing to see in this line, they have the wings already and then they could a Tallgeese III.
  11. So this specific version is based off the manga version (mostly) of the Deathscythe, not the OVA version. Same with the Wing Zero Gundam. Based on the pictures and the amount of optional equipment I am sure you can display close to the OVA. And honestly I am not surprised that Bandai is using the base body from Wing Zero. I would actually be very surprised if they didn't do that. That base body was probably designed to accommodate all five Gundams and maybe a Tallgeese, if we get that far in the line. The transformation gimmick is shoe horned it, but I guess they felt they needed to use it. It shouldn't affect the figure though, my original GFFMC Wing Zero is still holding up great and I haven't had any issues. That said I am really hoping it goes with the Deathscythe and I don't need a Noble version since the OG version is glossy. Link for P-Bandai US: https://p-bandai.com/us/item/N2656313001001 They have my pre-order come February 27th, not going to wait on this one. Cheers to the Deathscythe not being vaporware and hoping we see the rest of the team.
  12. Yes! All in for CCSToys!
  13. BBTS has both of them for pre-order. Each one is $100. https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/227757 https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/227755
  14. It looks like Bandai took the 3D model of the Robot Spirits version and made it into a model kit. Very nice, if I didn't already have the action figure I would jump on this.
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