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General Rasp

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Everything posted by General Rasp

  1. Hard to say no with huge gatling guns.
  2. Excited to get this soon! Hopefully NY does not take a week to ship it out. Going to need another detolf just for the various metal build Exias.
  3. I am expecting the PO for Japanese ehops will sell out in 5 seconds flat and US customers will have to wait for US ehops. Pre-orders on BBTS, USA gundam store, etc. tend to last a little longer. Plus I think there are more options for US ehops. Still going to try my best to get a copy. I wonder how far Bandai is going to take the EVA Metal Build line. Unit 00 is a given, plus it has two different paint schemes they can use. Unit 03 and 04 (TV versions) seem like good choices for P-Bandai. But will we see Unit 05, the Mark 08 and any other movie specific EVAs? Unit 13 would be crazy to see as a Metal Build and I am up for any of them.
  4. BBTS and US retailers usually get metal builds so it is possible. But the price would be a solid $1K.
  5. Hopefully Bandai will be putting out a PG Nu Gundam this year or next. The Metal Structure looks awesome but can't do $1,000. Plus that was a dick move selling the funnels separately. That makes no sense because the asymmetrical fin funnels are a key component of the suit. A heavy weapon system as P-Bandai makes more sense. Congarts to those who got a copy. I can see it being a one-off holy grail or they will make a Sazabi to go with it.
  6. It is tempting to get. It isn't offend you can buy a gold plated gundam figure
  7. Just put in a order for two packs with no pre-orders for the VF-1. This seems backwards.
  8. I have to watch the movie again and decide how many packs I want. Definitely two for Hikaru and Roy. But I don't remember Max using the packs in the movie, only in the TV series. And I don't remember the whole skull squadron in the movie with packs either. Personally I going toward DYRL for Hikaru and Roy, and TV for Max and Milia. Then calling it good after that. And to add my two cents to the "buy now or wait" discussion, I imagine Bandai re-releasing variants. At roughly $190 per figure they are priced to sell. Plus the different variations of the VF-1 are heads and paint. Most of the tampo would be the same also. With the exception of the brownies they could easily re-release the current figures later on. It might be three or five years from now, but they could do it. If they re-released SOC Voltron what is stopping them from re-releasing VF-1. With a basebody the makes up 90% of the VF-1 and all three figure selling out, they are printing money at this point.
  9. I wasn't able to grab one last night but hopefully some more pre-orders will open up later. If I am remembering correctly the VF-1J had a few pre-orders open up after the initial release. I got my VF-1J at MSRP from HLJ and didn't stay up for pre-order madness.
  10. Same here
  11. HLJ is up
  12. I was very tempted to pick up the Dragon Ball Super SHF figures. I really like the movie but did not have the money.
  13. Well played Bandai. I was going to skip the hyper mega cannon release but they added the funnel effects.
  14. Per Taghobby link the VF-1S is a regular release, coming out in November. This thing is going to be so hard to get. https://www.taghobby.com/archives/372376
  15. Hopefully pre-ordering won't be crazy. I imagine the price (26,400 yen) and it being a P-Bandai will slow some people down. P-Bandai Metal Builds do sell out but it can take a couple hours to a day before all the pre-orders are gone. I have the X-1 and definitely think the X-2 is worth it. It looks just as good and comes with all the X-1 accessories plus you get two extra weapons. The lance and fold out canon are unique to the X-2. There is little doubt that we will get a X-3, X-1 Kai, and Full Cloth in the next two years. I am surprised Bandai took so long to get the X-2 up for pre-order. They have got plenty of variants to make from the main story. Which personally helps me justify buying multiple copies of the same metal build. All of the variants Bandai could make are cannon. When they start making variants that only in a side story manga for two pages that was never translated and cost $300 plus, it gets a little hard to justify. I know there are more Crossbone gundams that appear in Ghost and Dust but I figure those five would be a good start.
  16. Very tempting. I am not sure if I want to wait for a John Wick from Chapter 3 or get this one because it comes with so much stuff. But the material they used for the suit does not look the best. Does Mezco's Gizmo figure use that same material?
  17. Did Bandai release a waterslide sheet for the RG Sazabi?
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