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General Rasp

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Everything posted by General Rasp

  1. Well so much for BBTS, the pre-order sold-out already. The RG Freedom is ok but it uses the old pre-molded inner frame. It isn't as sturdy as recent RG models.
  2. Very tempting to grab this while it is available at P-Bandai. No fighting other people for a copy at 3:00am. Might be able to save up enough money before the order window closes since everything is pushed back.
  3. General Rasp

    Hi-Metal R

    Forgot how difficult/tricky the transformation. Still impressed Bandai pulled this design in the Hi-Metal R scale.
  4. Got a bunch of good stuff lately. Just happened to walk into a target hoping to find Red Hulk and found Cosmic Ghost Rider instead. Hasbro did an excellent job. Some lovely Hi-Metal R action. Really hope we see the M&M set this year. I like the mold despite the tricky transformation. Robot Spirits Heavy Gundam. It is smaller than I was expecting but impressed that it can hold up the big gun. And I make financially dumb decisions. Robot Spirits Xamel. The size and effects are very impressive and it has more articulation than I was expecting, considering the suit design. I think the price was a bit high considering it only has a small die-cast frame for the hips.
  5. Quick question, how did you get a web shop exclusive from Amiami? I thought they didn't sell P-Bandai items.
  6. Do you sand all the entire surface of the model before you paint? I have heard a few youtubers recommend doing that to get a smooth finish. I have tested on a kit with some armor parts sanded and other pieces left as is. I didn't see any difference.
  7. I don't find the manual paint mixes helpful either. I need up testing a bunch of colors on spoons until there is one I like. Did you repaint the yellow parts also?
  8. Very nice, what blue paint did you use?
  9. They do carry exclusives when they can; Metal Build Strike Freedom (special color version), Metal Structure Fin Funnels, GFFMC Snow White.
  10. Damn, I thought this would be an easy pass but never mind after watching the video. Surprised this is a P-bandai release considering how much they have used that mold. So I need to find the monies to pre-order or hope that I can find it after release. So then if they are doing the OO suits as P-bandai releases what would be the regular releases for this year? EVA unit 0? Maybe the Crossbone X-1 Full Cloth?
  11. I would email customer service and have them verify the shipping cost is correct.
  12. There is a good chance. I would say 100% yes but they still don't have the MG Deathscythe Rousette up.
  13. I think there is a better chance of getting a TV accurate Tallgeese from the Gundam Universe line than a HG kit. While the RG kit is accurate to the Glory of Losers manga, it is an excellent kit. They took the MG and shrank it down to HG scale. There is precedent for Bandai later making an HG kit of the same RG kits; Destiny, Freedom, and now Infinite Justice Gundam from Gundam Seed. So may take a couple of years but there is a possibility.
  14. The double beam rifle that the ZZ Gundam uses. The FAZZ is based off the ZZ Gundam with the omission of the transformation and mega canon in the head.
  15. My god the MG FAZZ is a beast! Can't wait to get it in hand! Bandai did a really great job with the engineering. It is stable, functional (for a FA unit) and looks amazing. And I didn't notice any seam lines, or they weren't noticeable in the the video. Have to step up my progress with painting my MG Barbatos to make room for the FAZZ.
  16. It was never "explained" in the manga, but they have a few scene were the Gundam used the eye slot in the shield. I believe they also showed the GMs doing the same thing too.
  17. I have been wondering how USA gundam store managed to get their shipment of MG Barbartos before any of the Japanese web shops.
  18. https://www.bluefinbrands.com/wing-gundam-snow-white-prelude-mobile-suit-gundam-w-frozen-teardrop-bandai-gundam-fix-figuration-metal-composite-bas58168.html GO GO GO
  19. Oh my god YES! Bluefin is taking my money tomorrow. As long as they aren't overcharging.
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