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General Rasp

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Everything posted by General Rasp

  1. Does anyone know why the secondary market prices for the Proto Astraea Option Set has been so high lately? I haven't seen a set below 22,000 yen, most are around the 30,000 yen. Is the set still too new to get a good price or is it in high demand?
  2. Very Nice! Does your copy have trouble holding the mace? The finger section of my kit pops out easily if the weapon is being held.
  3. Haven't gotten a shipping notice yet, but can do when my copy arrives. Will the Bluefin version have a different box from the Japanese release?
  4. Very Nice! This is one of the few kits that I actively want to build and paint again.
  5. That is an excellent point with the releases so far. I might have to re-watch the series and see what we are still missing. That also explains why we have gotten a GP-01 Full Burnern yet. I wonder if Bandai is planning on releasing the Dendorbium or the Neue Ziel to finish off the Stardust Series. I also wonder why they skipped the Z'Gok-E when they were doing the War in the Pocket suits.
  6. Very tempting to get the metal robot spirits version and sell the metal build I have on preorder. I have most the of the main Seed mobile suits in metal robot spirits format and only the Destiny gundam as a metal build. For a series I wasn't a fan of I keep spending money on the figures .
  7. Today https://www.taghobby.com/archives/464660
  8. Hopefully P-Bandai US will carry the RD Blue Unicorn.
  9. That is a double bummer. No new MB crossbones for 2020 and now I have another line with crossbone gundams . I do try to stick with one scale for a specific series but the robot spirits have been so good lately, can't pass them up.
  10. I can't tell a difference with the head sculpt based on the pictures. Maybe when (or if) I have in hand I will be able to tell. It is a bummer they aren't including the DYRL Roy pilot but oh well. I am curious if the white plastic will match the previous releases or if it will be slightly different. Based on the pictures the white doesn't seem different.
  11. Love the box art!
  12. We need the excited Wotafa review so we can see the Legioss in action
  13. Same here. If I add an HG Gundam model and the Dom Tropen Robot Spirits it is only $5 more for shipping. That is way I am waiting, adding in the robot spirits EVA shouldn't add alot to shipping.
  14. My HLJ order was just processed and in my PW. So tempted to ship it DHL now but I am waiting for the Robot Spirits EVA 1 releasing next week. If anyone is curious. To Michigan Fedex shipping is 3,140 yes and DHL 3,570 yen for Legioss.
  15. Bandai had better offer that lance separately and not keep it exclusive to repaints. I am going to be super bummed if we don't see it with an EVA 00 or sold separately in an option set. The new paint job is very slick looking and it is nice they did the weapons and bay in light grey.
  16. After watching the 00 Movie you will probably want a Qan (T). I haven't had any issues with my copy and I suggest getting the figure from Amazon Japan if they have it for a good price. That way if you your figure has manufacturing issues you can exchange for a new one. As full disclosure I haven't used the clear ring to display the GN bits, which I have heard can crack.
  17. I wonder if any of the other webstores will be carrying the Gurren Lagann figure since it is officially licensed.
  18. An interesting choice considering they have already releases an HiRM and GFFMC version of this suit. If I didn't have the GFFMC I would have been more excited. The build will be fun since it is a Ver ka but I don't know if I have need to display it after building.
  19. I still love you guys! I have ordered a few P-Bandai kits from your site before the P-Bandai US site was revamped and started carrying the kits. Every order has been great! And your shipping price is better than P-Bandai's Is there a new release date for the GFFMC Snow White through your site? And will Bluefin's site be opening any new P-Bandai orders or are they all going through P-Bandai US?
  20. After looking through the other auctions the price was still good for what the VF-1S is going for. But it was approaching my limit.
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