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General Rasp

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Everything posted by General Rasp

  1. Bought one bottle, lets see how this stuff works.
  2. Got my Nimrod three pack in today also. Didn't come in a shipping box though, they put the shipping labels directly on the packaging. At least I don't have to decide if I wanted to keep the box or not.
  3. True, that prototype Dom in the Robot Spirits line went up the same day on P-Bandai US as Japan. The RS line must be selling well state side.
  4. It has been a GI Joe day. Managed to luck-out at a Target near work this morning and got a Baroness. The Target employees were very nice considering I was the second person asking for action figures at 8:00 am and the first guy was being an impatient jerk. They only had two and I felt bad for two consumers coming. They looked at Baroness and it sucked telling them that they were out. Then Storm Shadow from Amazon also arrives today. And since today is slow with work I decided to open up Snake Eyes and Duke that I got last weekend. Also noticed when I was taken pictures that Storm Shadow is right after Baroness in the series numbering. I thought was interesting.
  5. mmmm.... Good point with the leftovers. The kit is priced at 8,800 yen, how much was the Advanced MG Hazel when it came out? Assuming the MG gundam frame (or most of the frame) is usable with the new parts and only the armor is replaced then we would have a lot of extra pieces. I am guessing the Advance MG Hazel is going to be used as the base kit (in white this time) with Primrose kit and a separate runner for the Tri-booster. The Primrose kit replaces the shoulders and chest armor. There will be extra front skirts since it uses the manipulators from the Advance Hazel. And the Hazel backpack is replaced with the Tri-booster. Still super happy everything is in one box! I don't mind paying extra if it means I don't need to cannibalize three kits to make one suit. They should have done this with HG version. Maybe they will put up a mass amount of pre-orders soon. Still waiting on other kits to showing on the US site. I am very tempted to order on the Japanese site through a proxy and just eat the shipping cost.
  6. Need these!!! https://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000148959/ https://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000148952/
  7. That price is really surprising, in a good way for once! I guess Bandai has made enough money off of the Destiny mold that they are willing to charge a reasonable price for a color change.
  8. I think the only ones that have been re-released were the original RX-78 and Zaku. I am soooo ready for a GP-01FB!
  9. In the first season of Destiny Shin was probably my favorite character. He was trained to pilot a moblie suit and did it well. He acted like soldier which isn't common in Gundam series. And to be fair he did kick Kira's ass and destroyed the Freedom. The second season is were things fell apart. Shin was relegated to backup character status with Kira and Athrun taking over the show. If his character was flushed out more it would have made for a better story in season 2 instead of Kira's rebirth. And it is super weird that both Justice and Infinite Justice get very little love from Bandai. You would think Bandai would want to make companion pieces to with their Freedom poster child.
  10. I am going to have to take a hard look at the original I have to decide if it is worth a color/tampo update. The new version's colors seems closer to the anime than the previous versions.
  11. I waiting for the new Pale Rider and AOZ kit to show up on P-Bandai also.
  12. I would love to see a Lazengann CCS companion piece. We almost got Lazengann in the Super Robot Chogokin line but it never came out before the line ended.
  13. Not sure if Bluefins got extras or these are from cancelled orders but they the Snow White and Metal Composite funnels in stock. https://www.bluefinbrands.com/wing-gundam-snow-white-prelude-mobile-suit-gundam-w-frozen-teardrop-bandai-gundam-fix-figuration-metal-composite.html https://www.bluefinbrands.com/rx-93-nu-gundam-option-parts-fin-funnel-mobile-suit-gundam-char-s-counterattack-bandai-metal-structure.html They also have a few Robot Spirits on sale also.
  14. Just an FYI, I talked with an Target employee this morning and she mentioned that they have GI Joe Classified cases street dated for September 5th. I am guessing they are wave 2.
  15. P-Bandai US has placeholders up for a TON of Gunpla Expo Exclusives. If anyone has wanted a clear version of a kit they will have it available. I am eyeing the clear Moon Gundam, RG Unicorn Perfectibility and four different gunpla weapon systems.
  16. Mezco needs to calm down with the extra stuff they are including with the figure. If they want to the produce the extra stuff that is fine but have it as an optional add-on. I imagine most people just want the figure and would rather pay a lower price without pins, t-shirts, and lanyards.
  17. Huh, didn't know the 1.0 version could do that. Hopefully the shipments to the states won't take forever. It is always exciting getting a new Metal Build.
  18. Very nice! Looks like it will fit in with the current Metal Build styling of the SEED suits better than the original version. Is there a special connection for displaying it upside down?
  19. I wonder why P-bandai US is lagging with getting the pre-orders for the new kits. They put up the robot spirits unicorn up really fast. I am waiting for the new AOZ.
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