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General Rasp

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Everything posted by General Rasp

  1. I have the Mafex on pre-order but this one looks really good.
  2. Same here, picked one up right away. Guess we didn't have to worry too much since it didn't sell out for a couple hours. I have a good amount of rewards points for Mezco and was hoping to use them. But at checkout it didn't give me that option so that's a bummer considering the price tag. The Crypto-Cog is interesting and I wonder if they are actually going to use it. Aside from the first or second time.
  3. Would be nice if Mezco would let you use earned reward points on these exclusives.
  4. https://www.mezcotoyz.com/mezco-toyz-fair-2021-exclusive-toyz-chest Still available if anyone is interested.
  5. If anyone is looking for a Gurren Lagann still, HLJ has one left in stock from the reissue wave. https://www.hlj.com/ccstoys-tengen-toppa-gurren-lagann-gurren-lagann-alloy-action-figure-reissue-ccs07000-2
  6. Got a new Robot Spirits in the mail a couple of days ago from P-Bandai. Can't wait to open it!
  7. Since CCS Toys seems to be getting more licensed properties (they teased a Shin Getter couple weeks ago) should we make a dedicated CCS Toys Thread?
  8. Repaint of the Metal Build Eva 02 https://p-bandai.com/us/item/N2533582001001
  9. Thanks for the post and the heads up!
  10. Yep, Eva Unit 00 stays yellow in the movies and Unit 08 is pink. They also show Unit 05 which was only referenced in the show and add two other Evas in the movies. You should watch them so you get the references
  11. I am going to respectfully disagree that they are required because they are reference more than the OG series. Figures, books and other media reference the rebuild movies the majority of the time, I can't remember the last time I saw a figure based on the OG series. So if you haven't watched the rebuild movies then you aren't going to know who Miri is or why there is a pink Eva. Just my opinion though.
  12. "Death and Rebirth" is the recap, "End of Evangelion" is happens directly after the OG series. If I remember correctly, the ep 26 of the series got a bad response from fans, so they made the End of Eva movie as another ending. I recommend finishing the re-watch, then End of Eva, then watching the rebuilds.
  13. Have you watched the "End of Evangelion" movie? It is available on Netflix.
  14. You should definitely watch the Rebuild movies. I watched the original series back in 2000 and loved watching the rebuild movies when they were released. I haven't watched the movies dubbed but if you enjoyed the Netflix dubbing then you will enjoy movies. I believe the voice actors are different just so you are aware, if that kind of thing bothers you. The first movie sticks to original series but the second and third movie deviate. It is still Evangelion but don't panic if you are watching the second and it isn't matching up with the series. Then you will be all caught up for the final movie that will hopefully be released state side this year. I would go to a theater to watch that movie during Covid. Even if I had to wear a mask and hazmat suit. If you are looking for more Eva media I recommend reading the Eva manga. It sticks to the original series pretty well but explains things better and has my favorite ending. There are five books in total, first one is linked below. https://www.amazon.com/Neon-Genesis-Evangelion-Vol-1/dp/1421550792/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2XYNG5MTVEWV1&dchild=1&keywords=evangelion+manga&qid=1612190258&sprefix=evangelion+man%2Caps%2C205&sr=8-2 They also are publishing the light novels. The novels are again an alternate version but takes place after the end of the series. https://www.amazon.com/Neon-Genesis-Evangelion-ANIMA-Light/dp/164275708X/ref=sr_1_6?crid=2XYNG5MTVEWV1&dchild=1&keywords=evangelion+manga&qid=1612190258&sprefix=evangelion+man%2Caps%2C205&sr=8-6
  15. Thanks! I don't know why I didn't see it on that page.
  16. Has Bandai announced when the pre-orders for the Metal Robot Zeta go up? I thought I saw February 2nd on one of the magazine scans but haven't been able to confirm that on Tamashii nation's website.
  17. Two model kits from P-Bandai US just showed up! Very confused why the HG box is bigger than the MG box.
  18. I know!!! The figure looks so good and is going to be a great upgrade from the SRC version. And CSS Toys teased a Shin Getter so that is an automatic buy. Are there any pictures of the Gurren Lagann next to a Metal Build? Just curious how it scales and what the size is.
  19. Same here with Gurren Lagann. I have a pre-order from the second batch but CSS Toys keeps pushing the release date back. At this rate I might get the Shin Mazinger from CSS toys before Gurren Lagann.
  20. True, but it will probably be less than $30. Plus I can bundle it with other figures to save on shipping.
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