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General Rasp

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Everything posted by General Rasp

  1. Probably would have helped if I actually read the webpage. Says "You will not be charged until this is ready to ship" The total still comes out to around $270 with shipping. I am going to wait and see if Amazon puts up pre-orders.
  2. Wow, that is some awesome part separation. On the other hand, that's a lot of small white pieces to paint.
  3. https://www.hlj.com/metal-robot-damashii-side-ms-gundam-barbatos-lupus-bans61501 https://www.hlj.com/gundam-fix-figuration-metal-composite-ms-06r-1a-zaku-ii-high-mobility-type-bans61474
  4. https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/dp/B091DSGPG9/ref=sr_1_3?crid=H38NE4OBJHYG&dchild=1&keywords=メタルロボット魂&qid=1617347471&sprefix=metal+robot+sp%2Caps%2C248&sr=8-3 Can't ship to the US?
  5. I am looking the Obsidian Surfer at Walgreens but haven't had any luck in my area. The figure also isn't coming up on Walgreens website. Does any have a website tracker for Walgreens and/or an item number? If you have an extra or find one you don't need let me know.
  6. Very tempting.... but the X-men display I want to do is House of X, based of the recent comics. I have been passing on the 90s X-men figures but this might too tempting to pass. I imagine they are going to do a brown version also, which would fit better into my display. Decisions Decisions. Is this going to be a general release or exclusive? Hopefully general releases after the reaction from the v1 tiger strip an exclusive.
  7. The drying needle point happens to me too and only with white (most of the time)! I thought I was doing some wrong the the damn paint. Every other piece I had to clean the tip and it doubles the time to airbrush the white pieces. Plus I am getting small flecks of dried paint shoot with the wet paint and messes with my paint job. It is driving me nuts. I keep increasing my thinner to paint ratio but then the paint runs, ripples, or pools. So lose lose situation so far. I have to do a very thin layer, dry the paint with the airbrush, and repeat four or five times before I get the opacity right. The Mecha color is 'pre-thinned' but you have to add more thinner or it will gum up the airbrush. Unless you are using a 0.5 needle, but I have a 0.3 and 0.2 needle. Plus it is an acrylic which I find harder to work with than lacquers.
  8. That looks soooo good! I love the shading you are able to do, subtle and not over done but noticeable. And the red fingers came out perfect. I am working on painting my MG F90 gundam and it is taking longer than expected because of the white pieces. I am using Vallejo Mecha color off-white but having to do a lot of thin coats to get good covered without the paint running. Do you run into the same problem when painting white kits? Good luck in the competition!
  9. So just for clarification, Bandai released the Metal Build Exia that includes Repair III parts. https://tamashii.jp/item/10204/ Then they release the Exia Avalanche, it is the Metal Build Exia with Avalanche parts and different armor. https://tamashii.jp/item/10778/ The option parts you mentioned only go to the Exia Avalanche, I don't believe they are compatible with the regular Exia. https://tamashii.jp/item/10806/ Lastly, Bandai also release a weapon plus version of the Exia Avalanche. This version is the same as the previous one but includes two extra swords and a shield. I believe it is also harder to find at a good price than the regular Avalanche version. https://tamashii.jp/item/10779/ So I would recommend based on your post getting one of the Avalanche versions and the option set to go with it. I went with the regular release because it was accurate to the manga. Based on what I have read the Exia Avalanche only had (1) short sword, (1) long sword, and the GN Blade. Hope that helps.
  10. I like the set and think it is cool they are doing a three pack. I am passing on it since I don't collect DC (other than Batman Beyond) but the figure do look good.
  11. I would be surprised if it doesn't come with a display base. Stands were included with all previous GFFMC figures. Also did some comparisons between the regular Zaku II releases and the Black Tri-Stars. The previous Zaku II releases were 20,000 yen and the Black Tri Stars are 22,000 (excluding tax). The 24,000 yen price was with tax. So an extra 2,000 yen for an all inclusive package to make any of the three variants. I guess there will be plenty of extra pieces if something gets broken if you get three copies. Also to add to the fun that day https://tamashii.jp/special/metal_robot/barbatos_lupus/
  12. New information about the G.F.F.M.C Zaku II Black Tri-Stars. Pre-orders start April 2nd. https://tamashii.jp/special/origin/zaku_r1a/ https://tamashii.jp/item/13573/ Going to be an expensive pre-order.
  13. This is coming out sooner than I expected. And how is anyone supposed to get this during St. Patrick's day tomorrow? Poor timing.
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