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Everything posted by Hurricane29

  1. Its is a OS.
  2. $220. for a max, dam. I'm happy I got mine yesterday for only $155.
  3. Binaltech Tracks has been out a couple weeks, and Binaltech Meister is schedulaed for the end of the month. Meister is the first case of the alt. being the first released.
  4. I love the design of those controls, purely awesome.
  5. If anyone knows, it has to be Paul Mooney!
  6. I belive that someone actually recast the Takara stack for the Hasbro Prime, and was selling them for $10. If anyone is interested check the 2005 Boards.
  7. I belive some did actually have the flaps. A small amount.
  8. Mp Prime is awesome, so are the Soc Evas.
  9. I would be down for a Mini-Shelter-Con, but hopefully Ivan stays away from the east coast.
  10. yet again, and I just got back home two days ago. Hopefully Ivan goes a different way.
  11. Thus the heatshield is used.
  12. Its great to see that the site got updated.
  13. Yeah, the Factory hasn't been updated since January unfortunately.
  14. 17/17, Not only do I know my Transformers, but my mom is a pharmacist.
  15. Thanks everyone for the news. !/48 GBp, now that is an awesome idea. The 51 probably hasn't been heard from because look at it. Its a stick figure, incredilbly hard to make I think.
  16. Rob, if Bariaburu Faita calls you again, make sure to ask him to take lots of photos of the Yamato 1/100 VF-0S and VB-6. Also, ask him to try to ask the Yamato people the following questions, not that they'll answer, but heck it's worth a try: - How many variants of the 1/100 VF-0 are planned? Is a 1/100 SV-51 planned? Are larger scale perfect variable VF-0 & SV-51 planned? What is the next Macross release after the VB-6 and VF-0S? Is a resculpted YF-19 with FAST Packs ever coming? Is a 1/48 GBP Armor coming? Are 1/48 VT-1 & VE-1 coming? Are anymore 1/48 VF-1s planned? Is a TV Q-Rau coming? Where's Graham's VF-17D with FAST Packs? Also, if CM's have a booth, try to find out if a set # 3 of Macross figures is planned and take photos if there are any prototypes on display. And lastly, if Hasegawa have a booth, see if they have a VF-0D fighter mode prototype kit on display yet and also try to ask about the possibility of YF-19, VF-0 and SV-51 battroid mode model kits. Graham Its a sad day when I see the Sith Master having to asking though questions.
  17. So true G.
  18. I know, also I personally more interested in the Mac Zero stuff. I said that for everyone else.
  19. I hope we see the 51 or a large scale Zero. Or maybe even the legendary 19Fp.
  20. I head $11, 2 or more 10.
  21. The new sculpt is greatly improved, hopefully the 51 is still in the works.
  22. I have the Hicks vs Alien set. And to be honest, I have checked the accuracy of the figure to the movie. What I found is its based on Hudson. I found a pic of Hudson.
  23. I would be interested in two.
  24. One thing I hate and have always hated in movies is unrealistic, exagerated, over-the-top combat scenes, whether it be hand-to-hand combat, sword fights or gunfights. Its Chinese Propaganda!
  25. So this is the one you where talking about. Awesome job, wish I had some money.
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