At least for the Zero space is out of the picture, running on convetional jet engines. There is nothing in space, yadda yadda yadda to run the turbines.
Ssh, thats the secret pick, Yamat doesn't want that to be seen
But seriously, their is alot of stuff that Yamato still has to make, Vf-4, vf-3000, vf-5000, improved vf-11 and yf-21, vf-22s, mac zero stuff.
If Yamato did the Macplus and Maczero stuff in 1/60 scale, they would be around the same size as the 1/48 Vf-1s. So that goes to show, 1/48 doesn't work all the time.
I thought that the offical standing was the 0 was produced to test new items, while the 1 was the combat version. The 0 was suppose to have the nuke engines the whole time, it was just that the UN needed something to go against the 51 and the 0 was all they had.
Yeah its a very-teck. I saw the little screencap that had on a loop on their homepage. They remarked that it was the 1R, it was just a mess up, Hg hopeing to milk the Mpc molds.