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Everything posted by Hurricane29

  1. I noticed that too. Also, Ivanov stored the gun pod on the leg of the 51 a la VF-2ss stlye.
  2. 1/48 Mac+ Valks= extremely expensive, and incredibly huge 1/60 Mac+ Valks= fair price, size of current 1/48s
  3. Try this [/color]
  4. Watching Ep 3 of Zero makes me wonder why Yamato is waiting so long to put out the new valks. It doesn't make sense, why put out the valks after the OVa is finished, ride the wave of popularity and put them out around ep 4.
  5. The body thing, is the AFOS, all that is known about it is that it was made by the Protoculture, there is an entire thread about it in this forum, possibly page 2.
  6. Give the subbers a week or two but they will definetly be out. Everyone should love this ep, its the best so far.
  7. Check page one, its the raw version with no subs though. Watching now, it great.
  8. Fourteen minutes until its done downloading, do I need anything special to play it, I have quicktime, Windows media, and Divx.
  9. Thats interesting, a throwback to the G1 days.
  10. I think this movie will show the fact that a blockbuster can't be made on a star's name alone.
  11. Its working now, thanks.
  12. Alright its installed, what do I do now. This never works for me.
  13. Alright, I have the .torrent file, how do I go about playing it?
  14. Excellant job Montar.
  15. Looking good, now get to work Fansubbers!
  16. What bsu said.
  17. A J type Low Viz would be the best for me, come on Yamato!
  18. Gobot is right, its Galvatron over there.
  19. Yeah, ANBU, great stuff better then just about all others.
  20. Excellant Job!
  21. I remember a couple of years ago I got to meet HBK, he was leaving a signing session so I got to shake his hand, the line was too long to get him to autograph anything though. BTW what did happen with Debra?
  22. That is the problem, only some of the Transformers could be made as Alternators, such as the vehicle ones. The other specialty ones, such as Soundwave, Blaster, Megs would all need to be kept as is.
  23. No, the only way that Soundwave could be made would be as a casette player, 80's style. It just wouldn't work other wise. What would happen to Condor or Ravage, they couldn't get made. These are all reasons why Soundwave needs the MPC treatment, you don't hear people complaining that Prime is a old model truck no do you.
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