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Everything posted by Hurricane29

  1. Ever since I saw the first pics of that thing, I thought the front part looked too much like a bird, and it still does.
  2. I'm in Florida, the east coast.
  3. The size difference is very small between the two. In fact, the SOCs look excellant holding the kaiydo weapons, and the weapons fit perfectly in their hands.
  4. The Soc have great construction and joints in many places. The kaiydo's have great accessories, which is why I buy both and give the weapons to the SOCs. My Soc 04 looks great with the riot gear of the Kaiydo 04.
  5. He is a tank, that a tank tread on his shoulder. He is however a cybertroninan tank. There are pics some wheres on the net, I seam to have missed placed them.
  6. Yeah, 0s is 1/100, Vf-1 is 1/60, so they can't possibly be in the same scale.
  7. Yeah, that version of Megs is the best I think.
  8. Thanks for the pics. The more I see of the Zero, the more I like it, however it still does not look up to par with the 1/60s and 1/48s.
  9. Very possible that all three are right.
  10. He told that to you too Radd?
  11. Galvatron, now that toy just looks bad, not even near to the cartoon look. But I hope tha one day Galvatron gets the Masterpeirce treatment.
  12. Great explanation as always David.
  13. Great review, I can't wait to get them.
  14. I heard about some research to allow pilots to be exposed to very high Gs and not even black out.
  15. Check your Pm.
  16. Go Twin Moons, Tam's packing is the best there is. I order almost all of my stuff from him, and all have been in great shape.
  17. Awesome job.
  18. This is one of the many reasons why the only TF I have bought in years are the Binaltech stuff and MP Prime.
  19. Sorry, but that is really expenisve, $120 for a stike 1/60. They max out at $80. I'll keep to TwinMoons and V-E.
  20. I lurked the old boards for about a year and a half. Then last Febuary, the 14 I think, I signed up.
  21. Amazing collection.
  22. The two seater Vf have always been the man man out. A large amount of retooling in need to make them. And I believe are resident Sith Lord said they were not likely.
  23. Bows down to Spiff and his full armor 11. Great job on the progession of your custom Spiff. We need a thumbs up smilie.
  24. Free the toy from its cardboard prison. Thats my opinon on toys at least.
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