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Global's Pipe Holder

Global's Pipe Holder (6/15)



  1. I met and talked to all the guys from In Flames after their concert back in Febuary. I also met Chris Barnes of Six Feet Under, ex Cannibal Corpse. I have also met the guy that played Boba Fett in the original movies.
  2. I beleive it has to do with the smoking issue.
  3. That is just awesome.
  4. I went to the Turkey Run out at the Daytona Superspeedway. Some awesome cars to be seen. There was I think a '65 GT 350 Mustang with a 03-04 Cobra motor in it.
  5. Its the same thing, so its as good as the others. I think all the ones after the second release have the same improvments, ie. new nose cone, better flaps. So basically, you can't go wrong with the 4th version.
  6. Ferrari's have hand buitl engines, I'm pretty sure. And I think its the BMW Z cars that are built in the Georgia plant.
  7. Using this line of thinking, I'll never get a 48 Elint.
  8. That is true, then again the Ferrari's do have some what more care put into them then the Corvette. Reason why the Ferrari will get the attention is due to the fact it is foreign and out of the hands price wise of most people. The Corvette however is domestic and has a relativly more attainable price tag.
  9. I wouldn't call the GT40 a Ferrari wannabe when it was made to beat them, in much the same way the current GT was suppose to out do the Modena (sp).
  10. I don't know about the Civic, not a fan at all. Its being done was just an attempt by the people in charge to get the tuner viewers. Chip said "can we send it back?" I think when he saw it.
  11. 1. Definatly, Foose is awesome, Sept. has an episode featureing a 2005 Mustang Gt. 2. Another awesome show, quite cool. 3. Rarely do I catch it, what I have seen was good. 4. Started off interesting, no new eps in a while and Castro is quite annoying. 5. Saw the first ep, none of the others. 6. Cool show, watch when I can. I wish they did something like this for Jesse James, would be more interesting then just Sr. vs. Jr all the time. 7. Saw once, no need for a scripted show with the likes of American Chopper and such on tv. 8. Very cool show, try to catch it each week. Those where some damn fast go karts on the other night.
  12. That was actually made by a 17 year old I think. He now drives a 05 GT. Fifth Gen Camaro
  13. I don't know, I remember them having huge price tags on the Plus valks.
  14. The price will also depend on how many people are keeping them MISB. The rare Takatokus and such were worth a lot because very few stayed in box and in good condition. People are probably thinking that if they do the same, they will get a lot in a few years too. So the more MISB and in good condition, the low the cost in the future.
  15. Yeah, he does awesome work. Seen the fifth Gen Camaro chop, that ruled. Different person though.
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