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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. BRAND NEW UPDATE! Lots of little changes made. http://blog.yahoo.com/cybergundam/articles/737761/index
  2. ...all I need is the RVF-25 and I'm DONE with Frontier.
  3. Whoa...even the all mighty Gamu dinged his VF-4's chin.
  4. UN Spacy

    Macross 30

    Loving the cover art. : )
  5. Damn...all of Macrossworld is in this thread.
  6. As always...I'd be willing to let my Ami one go for...
  7. PREORDERS UP AT AMI!!! GO NOW! http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?scode=TOY-RBT-2966
  8. You're only taking a couple of parts?
  9. Here's mine.
  10. That's just awesome. If he only made the turbine spin that'd be icing on the cake.
  11. OUCH. Some Chinese kid is gonna get fire for this. Robodragon demands satisfaction.
  12. Be careful folks. That's what I talked about in my video review.
  13. It won't go live for another five hours though.
  14. I appreciate the ties to the YF-19 and YF-29...but that is one FUGLY VF.
  15. A Battle 7 about the same size as Yamato's 1/3000 SDF-1 You reading me Yamato?
  16. I'd buy THAT for....a dollar? I dunno...name your price.
  17. Will Smiff and his son are movie gold. I loved The Pursuit of Happiness. Too bad I don't have faith in M. Nyght's movies anymore...that's got me worried...not them.
  18. Review coming tonight.
  19. Same here...mines out for delivery...three days early. Thanks FedEx. I'll try to have my review out by tomorrow.
  20. Great review VEEF! You covered all the bases...and then some. I should have my review up by the end of the week.
  21. http://www.youtube.c...d&v=suCsM0t3jYE
  22. Do you even lift?
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