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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. UN Spacy

    Macross 30

    Thanks for the scans....and fella's...let's not JUUUUUUUMP to conclusions (mat).
  2. Simply bad ass...but why is it so high priced for an expansion pack? BTW....that was some horrid Terran defense that video. Hahaha.
  3. If it's color matched I'm in.
  4. What talk? It's pretty much a given. We're all just waiting for those prototype pics.
  5. Tough decision...and not surprised at the results. I went VF-4.
  6. Sure do. Did you go to last years?
  7. I jizzed my pants.
  8. Care to share any stories from coworkers that have commented on your Transformers?
  9. I reaaally want to do a video review...but I think nanoplasm's stock was shipped on the same boat that're carrying Toynami's Officer Pods.
  10. I never got around to getting the originals. But I just got the first two reissues from HLJ.
  11. I love this one...he's so enthusiastic about the Gold Book.
  12. UN Spacy

    Macross 30

    I'm actually surprised it's coming so soon. I hope it's enough time cause I have HIGH expectations for this one.
  13. ...anddddddddd sold out. I WIN.
  14. OH FRAK ME...preorders at Ami?!? GO NOW!!!
  15. Is it common for most high profile manga artists to have yearly breaks in between issues? I know the guy that does Berserk has been sitting on the latest issue for a while.
  16. Anyone else think the Phalanx will be a webshop exclusive for 2013?
  17. Hmmmmmmm. Will always watch. A new direction with no Kamiyama at the helm and music by Kanno? Will it still be the same seiyuu for Motoko?
  18. Not mine...but I actually think the artist did a good job.
  19. Your VF-4 has a broken arm?
  20. Which of our MW modeling masters are gonna give it a proper FB2012 paint job? I can't wait to geek over the eventual photos.
  21. I've had that happen to a few of my EMS shipments. It's at your local main USPS awaiting pickup...I'm guessing they tried to deliver it but no one was home.
  22. As many of you should know Yamato's SDF-1 won CDX's TOTY in 2010. Folks must be pretty damn impressed by the VF-4...it's running #2 for best high end toy and #1 for best transforming toy. http://www.collectiondx.com/TOTY2012
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