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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. I like that we're getting nearly all of the ships in 1/1000 scale. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-RBT-3095&page=top
  2. I finally saw Argo earlier today...the last 15 minutes were awesome filmmaking.
  3. WOW...thank you DHL...it only took 2 days to get here. I've never had a shipment arrive this fast from Japan before.
  4. I'm getting one just b/c I want something in scale with my new 1/72 Cosmo Zero that was just released.
  5. Why don't they just cast April O'Neil to play April O'Neil? I thought she did a great job at SDCC two years ago.
  6. This looks promising.
  7. UN Spacy

    Macross 30

    That was FAN-FRIGGIN-TASTIC!!!
  8. Volume 4 shipping from Amazon Japan.
  9. That's just awesome. I'm gonna go pick up a MG of Unicorn now. LOL.
  10. Wow...that Memo guy had dozens of questions. What a blow hard.
  11. UN Spacy

    Macross 30

    Pretty decent score for the first legit Macross game for the PS3 (took them long enough). It looks like things can only getter better from here.
  12. Veef, so hot right now, Veef.
  13. #1 opening at theaters with $61.5 million! WOW, take that Sly and Ahhhnold. SUNDAY 1 PM, 8TH UPDATE: Fox released international numbers boasting that A Good Day to Die Hard had an “explosive weekend” with the 25-year-old franchise grossing its biggest weekend ever. It earned $61.5M from 9,595 screens in 63 markets and held the #1 market position in 32 out of 37 new openers.
  14. UN Spacy

    Macross 30

  15. I e-mailed Masei a few days ago. So far nothing.
  16. UN Spacy

    Macross figures

    I don't have Mylene yet...but on Sheryl it's not swappable.
  17. Let's hope the dollar keeps inching toward's the 100 mark (or better) by June. Last time I used Paypal it was at 90.
  18. HOLY SHIET! Yamato going head to head against Dommel's flagship!? IS IT MAY ALREADY?!
  19. Banpresto's releasing Motoko and Batou in their DX line.
  20. I hope it's easier to listen to than the band that did the Renewal Yamato theme. That sorta made my ears bleed. Did you guys like it?
  21. You were at the May'n concert in San Francisco at Yoshi's....right? You got the HUGE Sheryl poster signed.
  22. Preordered. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=LACM-14070 http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=MED-CD2-12210&page=top
  23. CONGRATS! I like it more than my Max VF-1S cel...wanna trade?
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