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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Wait..there's a new Bible Black?!
  2. Wow...even wm cheng is hating it. That's not good.
  3. I shall have that Cosmo Falcon and Domelus. I really need to pick up the EDF and Gamilas fleet collections too.
  4. There's still Iron Man III coming.
  5. Please stop...my eyes hurt looking at that fugly ship.
  6. I'd be in...but that'd be giving Harmony Gold money.
  7. Okay. I want a 3DS now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=6i6Z5ucruh8
  8. So...there's no plans for a box to hold all 7 volumes?
  9. Hello new phone wallpaper.
  10. OMG. It's got everything I've ever wanted.
  11. Yeah, cause toy robots are THAT much cooler.
  12. Pretty much this....oh and VF-4.
  13. I'll do a review on this.
  14. New FB7 PV. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pK2iW7H8TWg
  15. I'm sure this PV is new to most of us living outside of Japan. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pK2iW7H8TWg
  16. VERY nice Katoh box art. But what's with the additional 500 yen markup?
  17. Thanks for the news! I dunno how anyone can pass this up now.
  18. Preorder link for Megahouse 1/8th Akira Yamamoto. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?scode=FIG-MOE-9072
  19. Good thing (for us dirty gaijin) the Japanese yen is weakening.
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