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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. That was awesome.
  2. Just picked up the BD at lunch...hopefully the Extra Features are a LOT better than Into Darkness' TOTALLY LACKING extras.
  3. Now that MWCON is over and the holidays coming up it'll have to be pushed to January or February.
  4. IIRC 1/10th...definitely smaller than MH's 1/8th lineup.
  5. Juzo Okita up for preorder. It's under the Yamato Men's Collection so we should be getting more than one...riiiiiight? http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-002618&page=top
  6. Ahhhhh...I'll buy it at a high price.
  7. I will since I should have 4000 or more points to burn by the time Apil rolls around.
  8. UN Spacy

    Macross figures

  9. 10/10. I'm emo now...very satisfying ending...it's gonna be tough to beat this.
  10. Please let me know if it works out for ya. I kinda want to do the same for my Bluray.
  11. Wood bone.
  12. I'll throw up a video review ASAP.
  13. I'll be registering today...I hope it isn't too late. EDIT: Just registered.
  14. About 11 hours into GTAV and finished about 23%. Loving the heck outta it so far and I've barely scratched the surface. How many of you already completed the 1st heist?
  15. I'm guessing the old one won't be compatible?
  16. Too bad this was never mass produced... ...I really wanna toss my Toynami version in the garbage.
  17. Pleeeenty of time to save up for this.
  18. Soooo many awesome MWCON shirts this year. I'm definitely getting one or two of em.
  19. I noticed that Tim Eldred's Cosmo DNA website was updated a few days ago. Superb reads all around...and I totally need that Bluray box. http://ourstarblazers.com/
  20. Superb ending...I don't remember the last time an episode of tv was THIS good. Vince Gilligan was on the money...it was their best.
  21. This was a given...Megahouse x Alter also releasing a 1/6th Melda Ditz. http://blog.yahoo.com/cybergundam/articles/1287909/index
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