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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Should I unbox this turd?
  2. Jenius or VEEF will probably have theirs out first. I might do one...but it'll be at the end of this month lol.
  3. SUPERB photos Swoosh.
  4. I hear ya...but CDJ was charging 5,700 yen for EMS. I ended up going Registered SAL for 2,200 yen.
  5. VERY late...but I love this damn color scheme.
  6. I just got my YF-25 from Ami...IMHO it's my favorite of the Messiah color schemes. The extra tampo printing just makes it a 10/10 in my book...I plan on doing a video review soon. Definitely cheaper and easier to find than the YF-30 has been. But more preorders have been opening for the Chronos in the last few days. Can't go wrong with the Prophecy...but I have a feeling the YF-30 will be another hit. Get em both.
  7. Ditto...thanks for the notice.
  8. You know that's a dude...right?
  9. ANY idea if Max Factory will be making Guardians of the Galaxy figs? I definitely want a Rocket Racoon but don't wanna pay Hot Toys prices.
  10. The first 700 preordered will pay $189...only for the Chinese market The next 300 preorders will pay $289...limited to online orders until recently. Anything extra to have the $425 price tag,
  11. I've got one on preorder too. Please keep us updated on your DYRL costume. I've always wanted to do one of those too.
  12. I was told $289 shipped....I already paid the $150 down payment a few months ago. Heck...their most expensive helmets are $239...so I don't see why the major price increase. http://maseihelmets.jp/zcart_e/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=74_127&products_id=243
  13. New photos are here. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=41508#entry1142690 Price increased to $500? Where did you hear that?
  14. Love it...awesome.
  15. Sigh...Studio Ghibli closes down...and yet HG (and their Three Stooges) is still around to troll.
  16. Goodbye...thanks for the memories.
  17. HG take note...this is how Kickstarters are done correctly. I'll probably back this too...but no Jeffrey Combs?
  18. At least it's getting made instead of the same ol' "WB's has picked up the option" BS Yune and co. have been feeding their fans since 2008.
  19. Riiiiiiight...nicer shaped breasts. LOL...kinda bummed MH is choosing to focus on the secondary characters instead of releasing a Kodai or Dessler.
  20. Figma Hulk and the Godhand from Berserk. NICE!
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