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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Fingers crossed the VF-0D will be a BF sale.
  2. Too much awesomeness.
  3. Loved The Yakuza and Black Rain. You'll be missed Ken.
  4. Anyone still preordering the first movie? It's out next Friday (11/21). I still haven't decided if I wanna get it.
  5. I asked to see final production photos...I was told they'll be shipping at the end of November.
  6. UN Spacy

    Macross figures

    ...and Ranka-chan also gets an alternative.
  7. Anyone know if the newer knockoffs for Lambor and Alert have the correct spelling of Countach on the back?
  8. ANOTHE Rei?! Not that I'm complaining. But where's my Kodai and Dessler?
  9. NEW TRAILER UP! GO NOW WHILE IT'S STILL THERE. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By4e12DxrjXQZ3FUaE0yVFlTSlU/view?pli=1
  10. I would like a return to villain's that're interesting. The Zentradi were great....so were the Protodevlin. Not as much with the Vajra and their human collaborators.
  11. Wish it was 1/60 instead of 1/72.
  12. I don't want the 911 text or UN SPACY kite logo on mine. A few others have also addressed this concern. If you could pass this too the higher ups at Masei that would be great.
  13. Can ANY company pull off the disappearing legs in combined mode? Plenty companies have tried (well...Toynami sure as heck didn't). Is it doable?
  14. Tim Eldred's Cosmo DNA website has been updated with lots of news and info. http://www.ourstarblazers.com/ Looks like Mag Garden decided to make the Nobuteru Yuki artbooks available to those outside Japan. http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/4902948133/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=AN1VRQENFRJN5
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