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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Will this have the market value of Ozma's YF-29? Which still commands high prices?
  2. The last movie was awesome...mowing down troopers with that 50 cal. GLORIOUS.
  3. Everyone else got quoted $85 for the replacement parts plus new helmet?
  4. Masei responded to my inquiry about damages to the visor. They apologized for the lack of shipping materials, that they wanted to get them out as quickly as possible. I was offered a second helmet plus replacement visor...with proper packaging. All I'd have to pay is the EMS shipping charge.
  5. Just took off the SMS Skull and UN Spacy logo...they're simple waterslide decals and come off VERY easily. You also need to delatch the windshield to remove the safety plastic film from both sides. But first you'll need to unscrew the visor and lower front half...very easy to do as well. I'll put up a video later tonight. This thing f'n ROCKS
  6. The visor is molded with red plastic with black tampo printed over. The side arrows are slightly less red compared to the visor.
  7. Mine came with a half inch crack underneath the tampo printing near the top of the visor. I've already e-mailed asking if they could send a replacement. Aside from that...the arrows line up and it fits perfectly.
  8. Mine cleared LAX customs this morning. I guess tomorrow or Friday.
  9. Got Bebop last night as an X-Mas gift. But since I've juuuuust started Animeigo's BGC that'll have to wait.
  10. UN Spacy

    Macross figures

    Max Factory Sheryl for 8,486 yen at HLJ. I've never seen it that cheap...great price considering how huge and awesome it is. http://www.hlj.com/product/MAX04163/Fig
  11. So they remove the M-911. GREAT. But leave on the Skull and Spacy kite?! OKAAAAY. Guess I'll have to go with it.
  12. WOW...the Saito and the Marines...definitely digging their new combat gear. ..and that Magna Flame Gun (forgot what the actual name was) looks even MORE terrifying in person.
  13. Death was not done well...the show has been on sharp decline ever since the SUPERB season opener.
  14. I'm getting this message. "This is a private video and not available."
  15. Not sure if we have an established Sentinel thread. But is anyone else following their new line of Mechatrowego figures? Anyone know if it has electronics? http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-009235
  16. Same ol' soft head lasers...yawn. Bandai really needs to fix that.
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