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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Wow...VEEF is lightning quick with the reviews. I knew I should've taken the day off LOL.
  2. It's here...but I gotta head to work. ;_; I'll try to get a review in by tonight.
  3. FRAK...missed it at CD Japan.
  4. VF-0D departed customs. Hopefully arrives tomorrow. Might have my Youtube review up by Tuesday night?!
  5. HLJ charged me 2,980 yen (about $25.62).
  6. David would've been uppity no matter which color they used.
  7. $304 shipped EMS from HLJ. I'll try to get on that review asap.
  8. Simply amazing...one of the BEST things I've ever seen on Macrossworld.
  9. Haven't backed a KS since the Bubblegum Crisis Ultimate Edition...possibly in for this.
  10. I remember Shi...pretty sure I still have the first issue too.
  11. SOC Arcadia on sale at HLJ for 19,600 yen. http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN987859/Sci Nice price...but not ENOUGH for me to bite.
  12. Ordering...we need a 1/3000 TV SDF-1!!! YO ARCADIA.
  13. I e-mailed them on the 5th. Haven't heard back yet.
  14. My list. 1. Priss Asagiri (Bubblegum Crisis) 2. Ataru Moroboshi (Urusei Yatsura) 3. Sheryl Nome (Macross Frontier) 4. Kamina (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann) 5. Batou (Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex)
  16. NEW Master File coming in March 2015....Episode Archive anyone? http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=MED-BOOK-004594&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_keywords%3Dmacross%24pagemax%3D40%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1
  17. Definitely my top three commercials of this Superbowl.
  18. Mods please close my thread. RIP Ghostbusters.
  19. Amazing work broseph.
  20. My second helmet's tracking hasn't been updated since 1/17 using the EMS China website. Is it the same for anyone else?
  21. Definitely going for the box set version. BUT...it looks like I'll be ordering the first movie as well. Anyone know if Amazon will charge me NOW or in May if I group both BD's together in one shipment?
  22. So it'll hold the 7 BD's for the tv series AND 2 BD's for the movies?
  23. Prove me wrong Macrossworld.
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