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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Looking the paint job on this one more than the original. Preorder should be open on Ami tonight...right?
  2. I really wish I had finished Kill La Kill by now. I didn't know Ryuko had a final form(?)...can't say I'm too surprised since it's from the makers of TTGL. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/review?scode=FIGURE-011267&page=top
  3. What was Adrian's reaction?
  4. That Hulkbuster Armor scene is cool on too many levels. Might me one of my favorite parts of the movie.
  5. I've only had ONE setback using SAL shipping during my 15 years of Macross/JDM toy collecting. If you don't mind waiting its a nice alternative. But if you're the impatient type then by all means go EMS. I'd also go with the latter for your high ticket items. Anyways...so pumped for the movie boxset next month.
  6. Got my replacement part(s)! It was only supposed to be the visor buuuuut they also sent the other pieces IF I want to make a third helmet. All I need is another white open face helmet.
  7. Thanks for sharing...I'll be following this thread with great interest.
  8. Cover of Softbank's newest Variable Fighter book. Looks like they're planning more than one.
  9. Wonder if this will delay the new Macross tv series. I liked Evol much better than the original series anyways. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2015-03-21/aquarion-gets-3rd-tv-anime-aquarion-logos-in-july/.86213 Sousei No Aquarion (2005): http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=13857 Aquarion Evol (2011): http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=34736
  10. Mine should be arriving in the next few days (non registered SAL shipping). I've NEVER done this kind of papercraft before. Any tools I should have on the ready?
  11. ...usually overpriced iirc. Last few times I've been to Fanimecon they had a few Yamato gems with questionable prices.
  12. Cosmo DNA's been updated for March. http://ourstarblazers.com/vault/986/ Did you guys know MH is making yet another Yuki in Iscandarian dressing (with cast off option lol).
  13. Can't be any worse than Anchorman 2.
  14. Masei emailed back and said replacement parts will be going out Monday.
  15. How come they discontinued the Starblazers 2199 discs?
  16. Heists finally released online for all GTAV PLATFORMS.
  17. Any requests you wanna see in my video review?
  18. Nope...and I e-mailed them on February 5th. I just sent another follow up e-mail.
  19. 13 CURRENTLY BACK IN STOCK AT CDJAPAN! http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOBK-1779921
  20. Not sure what I can cover in my review that VEEF hasn't already touched upon. LOL.
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