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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. 10 days left to hold good in my Private Warehouse. C'mooooooooooooon Advance.
  2. I loved the second movie, the secondary characters were great, SUPERB space battles, nice touches Indeed. https://twitter.com/pinoi78/status/604206361178546176
  3. Haven't had time to watch the movies yet. Maybe tomorrow night.
  4. Preorders open for new Rei. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-010560&page=top
  5. Battle 7 plllllllllllllllllllllllease.
  6. I was quite pleased with Animeigo's BGC set. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=40046&view=&hl=&fromsearch=1 Here's the Kickstarter page. I'll be backing this as well. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/madoverlord/otaku-no-video-otaking-edition-subtitled-anime-blu
  7. Any of you ever had to dismantle area below the backpack? I've gotta reinsert a pin into the diecast bar. UGH.
  8. Here's the inside which shows the ten spots for the discs.
  9. I have 25 days left to ship my items (which include MTF Volume 6) from my private warehouse at HLJ The question is will the Advance YF-19 be joining that shipment.
  10. DHL's delivering tomorrow...I'll get some photos if they haven't been posted here or online.
  11. Amazon Japan just charged me for both movies.
  12. Yes...the pin slipped out. But there's also some rubbing along with mold. UGH. Dismantling now to reinsert the pin...there's also some stress around the screw hole.
  13. UGH....the swingbar assembly just fell out while transforming back into Fighter Mode. This is bullshit.
  14. YES!!! Definitely not missing out on Voltes 5 this time.
  15. INFO for SH Figuarts Hulkbuster Armor...MSRP 34,560 yen!!!! Coming January 2016. http://www.taghobby.com/1-0/1-3/魂商店-2015年5月22日起接受訂購,2016年1月派貨-超合金xs-h-figu/
  16. There's a new 128 page artbook coming in July. http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/switch-language/product/4800004837/ref=dp_change_lang?ie=UTF8&language=en_JP You had me at mechanical.
  17. Not sure how many of you watch Silicon Valley on HBO...but check this out. https://t.co/PcDuOmXwfv
  18. So....this will have the UN Spacy markings and numbering that the VF-0D didn't have?! LE-SIGH.
  19. Dunno how I got one...but I got one. Refreshed the Ami page around 12:06pm...and it was sold out. I kept refreshing the page and the add to cart option was available around 12:10pm. I'm like wtf so I add one to cart....and THIS is when Ami's website kept crashing...was finally able to login and check out around 12:15pm. Kinda surprised it was still in my cart.
  20. I have the replacement parts...but I need a new open face helmet. Is THIS the right one? http://www.amazon.com/Motorcycle-Helmet-Open-Racer-Approved/dp/B00KMVU34A
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