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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. UN Spacy

    Hi-Metal R

    Back up at Ami too. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?scode=FIGURE-015945
  2. http://kotaku.com/the-new-macross-is-filled-with-transforming-fighter-pla-1751068347
  3. Where's my SAP for Sylvie?! What about the bits/squires?!?
  4. Gonna need some explaining how Mikumo's drones were able to deflect a dozen micro missiles at point blank range. One or two yeah...but she took a damn Itano Circus in her face.
  5. UN Spacy

    Hi-Metal R

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let the Delta Squadron DX's be this easy to cop.
  6. UN Spacy

    Hi-Metal R

  7. UN Spacy

    Hi-Metal R

    Back open at Ami....GO!!!
  8. UN Spacy

    Hi-Metal R

    19 guests...please don't be strangers...come in here and talk about your love for Robotech.
  9. UN Spacy

    Hi-Metal R

    55 USERS?!? LOL. Got two.
  10. UN Spacy

    Hi-Metal R

    One to rock...one to stock.
  11. Can any of the Speakerpodcast crew shed some light on this? The translation for Mikumo Guynemer's voice actor ended up Who Ami. It reminded me of Syvil's voice actor being a ? in Macross 7. Has this happened in other Macross shows?
  12. Liked it...I wanna see more! I agree that we do NOT to see still images of Walkure ladies for every performance where they suit up. Once is enough.
  13. UN Spacy

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Okay...definitely need Arad and Mirage's 31.
  14. I don't see the single listed. http://www.apple.com/jp/itunes/charts/songs/
  15. Trying to track down the Ikenai Borderline single on Amazon Japan.
  16. Following the Twitter stream for #macross...it's blowing up right now.
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