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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Amazon has nine discs listed for their BD/DVD's. IF they don't stray from the three episodes per volume formula Delta should be a 27 episode series. 3 x 3 x 3...makes sense with the whole Delta theme going on.
  2. RIP Chyna...way too young to go. http://abc7.com/entertainment/chyna-former-professional-wrestler-dead-at-age-46/1301911/
  3. Link to decent CA glue vifam?
  4. Friggin awesome...will keep an eye on this one.
  5. So...is Heinz dying? Suffering from a fold wave sickness? What're the Knights of the Wind so urgent to finish their task?
  6. UN Spacy

    Macross figures

    The connecting bases.
  7. Yeesh...that looks like some horrible cosplay.
  8. Will Messer end up decking Hayate? I do agree that he needed to be taken down a peg with that celebration of his. IIRC Ozma gave Alto a knuckle sandwich on more than one occasion.
  9. LOVE the quick turnaround. Thanks fellas!
  10. Is there a link for the led boosters?
  11. 2017 is soooo far away.
  12. Runway accessories available too.
  13. Got da 1A/31A. Sooo tempted to get the 1J/31J too.
  14. Got the 1A and 31A Fighters.
  15. Sorry for the bump...but this was linked on the CosmoDNA website as one of Makoto Kobayashi's directed works. Pretty intresting stuff.
  16. Tim Eldred's CosmoDNA website has been updated with it's very FIRST report for Yamato 2202. http://ourstarblazers.com/vault/099a/ EDIT: super late...but Makoto Kobayashi's early mecha designs are cool as hell.
  17. Okay...gonna need that 31A in 1/44 and DX scale.
  18. Totally prefer the Delta Squad/Chaos duty uniforms compared to the SMS uniforms from Frontier.
  19. HUGE NEWS!!! http://trekmovie.com/2016/04/13/breaking-the-new-star-trek-tv-show-will-be-set-post-undiscovered-country-pre-tng/
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