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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Yeah...they'll have to do until the official BD/DVD's are out.
  2. I ordered mine from Amazon Japan. It's also being sold at AmiAmi and CD Japan.
  3. UN Spacy

    Macross figures

    How hard would it have been to release them already prepainted like on the right?
  4. We really need another Valkyrie book from Tenjin.
  5. Big mistake dropping Sandow. UGH.
  6. That's what I'd like to know. It would be nice if this is covered in a future episode. What about the jet gas clusters? Are those integrated into the holosuits?
  7. It's gonna be f'n epic once that have to use the entire Macross Elysion for a mission.
  8. Misa in a string bikini. HUBBA HUBBA!!!
  9. UN Spacy

    TV VF-1A

  10. From the album: TV VF-1A

  11. To quote Freyja.....WOW, that's a deculture and a half.
  12. Several new photos...early test fitting. http://ameblo.jp/arcadiaac/entry-12156885577.html EDIT: seti88's too fast for me. LOL.
  13. Meh...haven't played a COD since MW2...all the same ish. Kinda funny that this has more space action than all of The Force Awakens.
  14. Not sure how rankings work in a PMC...I think the fansubbers got a few things incorrect.
  15. UN Spacy

    Macross figures

    PLS PLS PLS...SHF Freyja with a dozen expressions.
  16. You guys forgot Ozma and Brera's knife fight in Episode 17 of Frontier.
  17. Ikenai Borderline will be included with the OP/ED album which is out mid May. So...no reason for it to be included with the OST. The digital version has been out since December 31st.
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