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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Will ya look at that...the beam gunpod can fire while stored. I don't think that's been shown before.
  2. It's always South America. LOL.
  3. Awesome...will listen to during my drive later today.
  4. UN Spacy

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Those Macross wallet gifs.
  5. Yeah...they need some tweaking. SCSA not looking ornery enough. Hopefully Rocky comes with several face options.
  6. Official site has been updated with images from episode 8. http://macross.jp/delta/story/
  7. UN Spacy

    Macross figures

    Keith Aero Windemere getting a Figuarts Zero. http://www.kk1up.jp/archives/m62116.html
  8. Odd...when was the last time Christian was in ring? The E&C show is still gonna air...right?
  9. Here's Cosmo DNA's update for May 2015. http://ourstarblazers.com/vault/100a/
  10. UN Spacy

    Bandai DX VF-31

    If I were setting the release schedule I'd save Mirage for last. Hayate - lead of the show (more importance) DUH...we all know it's being released first Arad - sempai...cool commander S-type variant Messer - da Ace (more importance) Chuck - got the cool radome...comic relief...not as important Mirage - other lead of the show, will complete the set (more importance) I dunno....take that as you will.
  11. UN Spacy

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Alto, Ozma, Michael, Luca, then Cannon Fodder.
  12. That's just awesome. http://www.anime-recorder.com/ArticleDetail.aspx?seq_no=7902
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