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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. I'm down for AIM or Live chat.......how come it didn't work last time? Not enough users during the day?
  2. It sure is carrying a TON of junk in the rear, fella's gotta lose a few pounds in da caboose. I could also do without the windshield sitting near the stomach. But....it's not like I could come up with anything better (.....besides my Ironhide Escalade).
  3. 1/72 = 2 1/60 = 4 1/48 = 2
  4. UN Spacy

    Meeting with yamato

    Exactly! I always felt that Squadron Leaders sported the black heatshield. I guess we can't really do much with all the animation (color) errors in DYRL.
  5. UN Spacy

    Meeting with yamato

    Welcome to the Macrossworld Forums (v.2) Zero! It's alright...there are sometimes when I've had a bit too much Yoshinol (while visiting the forums). Are you looking to add another Yamato to your collection?
  6. Is it only going to be around for a limited amount of time? (so we can pull various posts, PM's, lists, etc.) Is the old Macrossworld Forums going to be archived (for read ONLY status)? There's so much that we're gonna miss.
  7. I hear ya......my registration e-mail ended up in my Bulk Mail inbox (which I rarely check and usually delete asap). It's good I decided to check it or else I wouldn't have seen it.
  8. UN Spacy

    Meeting with yamato

    Is it going to be bundled with the Fast Packs as some sort Anniversary product (for DYRL's 20th)?
  9. BTW....is this going to be Hikaru's VF-1S packaged WITH the Strike Fast Packs?
  10. Ah....are we going to see the stereo typical asian smiley again? Ya know (pointy triangle hat, slanted eyes, and repectful bow). <_
  11. No way! It's a small world eh? BTW....how much does F & S sell their 1/48's for?
  12. Do you have a link where I can find the ZNES emulator? Or a bundle pack that has tons of SNES game AND the ZNES?
  13. A little copy n' paste works fine for me. Skatata, looks just fine for only less than a week of work. I'm sure it'll look boss with more textures. Are you going to make it into a transformable 3D model?
  14. Are you gonna post any pics Vostok 7?
  15. Ah.....same here. Which one are you going for? PS2? Gamecube? X-Box? I gotta have my favorite character - LINK! B)
  16. Gloria Foster .... The Oracle Really? It doesn't really sound like her voice. Oh well. Didn't they finish filming Matrix Revolutions?
  17. Sorry to go kinda off topic. Aren't the intake covers supposed to be on when the Fast Packs are used?
  18. Nope....I thought that sticking with the same ol' UN Spacy would give me Old School status. But I guess it doesn't matter because most of us know each other (and our avatar's).
  19. Do I need MAME for this? What are some good SUPER NES emulators?
  20. Looking at those pictures of the various G-Gundam mecha. Jeez, what the heck was Bandai smoking when they came up with this crap? Tequila Gundam?
  21. Since there SHOULD be an OT forum I'll reply for this one. Wes, you should check out www.cnet.com B) .
  22. When you post a reply you'll see this: File Attachments You may attach a file to this message. Maximum file size (in bytes): 1024000 There ya go!
  23. I'd rather pick up a 1/48 VF-1D over the Max Jenius and Low Viz VF-1A. It's not just another repaint with minor upgrades, I guess you'd get a slightly different sculpt (new VF-1D head).
  24. Ditto. If anyone has five of the "regular" figures I'd be willing to pick up a set if you're selling them. B)
  25. Name: The Planet Mar's or Mar Height: 5'4" Weight: 134 lbs. (gotta keep up dat cardio....wanna get down to 124) Age: 24 Occupation: Kindergarten Day Care Supervisor
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