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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. True.....it's guess it's pretty hard to make the transition from pen to paper. Looking at Kawamori's sketches compared to the CG work, it looks like they weren't able to fit in ALL the details. But still.....gotta love dem Destroids. B)
  2. I might pick this one up too.....but for the same reason it's also why I didn't pick up Max or the Low Viz (yet). I'll definently pick up a VF-1J though......
  3. I think so too.....I'd love to see MORE destroids aiding the Skull Squadron in the rest of the Macross Zero OVA's. The only time we see Destroids in DYRL they were getting pasted by various Zentradi mechs.
  4. Last one.
  5. Ah.....two found more. Another of Noel's great shots.
  6. I hope Noel doesn't mind me reposting a couple of his pics from the old forum. Notice the interesting Sand laden box art.
  7. Hey Limbo. What do you think about the Unicron stand that you picked up? If I pick up a Unicron then I'd definitely need a stand to put on my shelf. Are there any problems with the one in the pictures? Feedback? THX!
  8. Thanks for putting these screencaps back up A7! BTW.....does anyone know who handled the CGI scenes for this DVD? I wonder if it's the same company that handled the CG for Macross: 3DFX (wasn't it SateLite?). B)
  9. Great scan Graham! I think I'm gonna wait a couple of weeks before I pick this one up, I hope Yamato takes care of all the QC problems that plagued Roy's VF-1S.
  10. For almost $4.00 it seems like an interesting experimental piece. Do you plan on doing any modifications to it? Are you going to take any pictures in Battriod or Gerwalk mode? I hope it hasn't fallen apart during transformation.........has it? Great find!
  11. You could also try going through HLJ.com for replacement pieces. I tried to order a replacement VF-1S Head for my Yammie, unfortunately they were unable to accomodate my request (Yamato decided to STOP reproducing the VF-1S head.........which is total BS because they're releasing Hikaru's VF-1S). I guess they didn't feel like going through ALL that trouble for one customer. <_
  12. Thanks for the great pics Yohsho! I don't think we'll see da Marine chick or Aries running along the beaches of Mayan in such skimpy clothing (anytime soon). What a tease! LOL.
  13. I remember when I ordered my first Yammie from HLJ.com, at first I decided to wait a couple of months because prices were a bit too steep. When HLJ.com had their very first price cut I picked up the 1/60 VF-1A (Hikaru Ichijo). Fast foward three weeks (t'was my very first purchase from HLJ.com) and my package finally arrived. I opened up the box to find a Bandai 1/55 VF-1J........... , I didn't feel like going through all the trouble of sending the Bandai back (to Japan). So, I decided to keep it for a short while......eventually I was able to sell it to a fellow Macrossworlder (that loved Bandai reissues). Fast foward a couple of months (plus HLJ.com had ANOTHER Yammie price cut) and I finally picked up my first Yammies! There they were.....Max's VF-1A and Roy's VF-1S (in all their glory). Fast foward two more years and I'm eagerly awaiting the release of MORE Yammie goodness. The highly anticipated 1/48 Fast Packs............ ......my, my, my how time just flies right past us.
  14. My first (of two) 1/48 was a mixed bag (more cheers than jeers). Hikaru's VF-1A didn't have ANY of the problems that plagued my VF-1S (crooked skull emblem on the tail), stiff head piece, and loose parts. The die cast content could have been a little bit more, but all things aside I was pretty damned pleased with my first Yammie 1/48.
  15. Correct me if I'm wrong. But I think Mechamaniacal has a Haro (or is it Taro). I think the color was neon green (and it had legs n arms that sprouted out). I think it was the version from Gundam: Char's Counterattack.
  16. I was at the gym and noticed they're airing FLCL at 11PM (I think I saw it Wednesday night). What else are they airing on the Adult Swim? I've never been to their forums before. Is it worth taking a gander at? I'm used to hearing from immature people on another forum......I don't think I can take any more.
  17. Considering how much time you spend at home. Don't you think it's a better idea to take a little weekend trip (with friends and/or family)? As much as I enjoy watching Macross, I don't think I'd be able to watch THAT much in one weekend. Although, I've been known to pop in the DYRL DVD and go to sleep listening the Lynn Minmay sing a little Tenshi No Enogu or Ai Oboete Imasu Ka.
  18. Are we going to get anymore guesses? I was going to say Ed from Cowboy Bebop. But for some reason it reminds me of a character from one of Rumiko Takahashi's works.
  19. Are you talking about Macross II: Lover's Again or another Macross series? Is the box artwork done by Haruhiko Mikimoto?
  20. Agreed. The planet mode reminds me of Big Boo (the ghost from the Super Mario Brothers series).....and that isn't supposed to be scary. The robot mode looks great though, aside from some drab colors it look's damned good. B) I could also do WITHOUT the Michael Jackson hand.
  21. Pare! What stores have you been checking? Sa Filbars? Sa Comic Zone? Are you going to the shops in Mega Mall? The only places I saw Yamato and Bandai merchandise was a shop in Greenhills. Later mga kababayans!
  22. I haven't really got INTO Model Kit's because my skills aren't too good. I have a bunch of various Kit's that I haven't even put together (ranging from ERTL to Bandai). I'll take a look through my closet and let you guys know.
  23. I used to post this picture in the old MW Forums. Not really Engrish......
  24. It's gonna be great once it hit's the toy shelves, too bad it's not coming with a trailer (that'd really make it sweet).
  25. Whoa.....that's some great work Brian! Wasn't it VF-1X.com (sp) that carried the Stonewall/Bellcome Valkyrie T-shirts? I've always wanted to get one of those. I can't wait to see what else you have in store.
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