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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. $30 is way too much for ANY DVD (unless that's in Canadian currency). There is also an extended dogfight between the Ghost in YF-21, which (IMHO) is well worth the price for picking up the Movie Edition. You won't be disappointed. B)
  2. I don't really mind the INVISION POWER BOARD logo. But, in my humble opinion I think we should go with the CLASSIC. B)
  3. . Of course, 200 of those are mine YOU WIN THE PRIZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... see my sig. LOL... that was soooooo mean! Not really....a little salt on a open wound never hurt anybody.
  4. I think it'd probably get out of hand real fast......and I'm sure Shawn and company haven't found ALL the bugs. It'd turn into one big post whoring thread. Save the headaches for a later time.
  5. I don't think I've asked before Graham. Which (of the three) VF-1A Hikaru's is getting cracked paint? I sure hope it isn't all of them.......and were any of them the prototypes? So far mine don't have any blotches or cracks (knock on wood).
  6. From my ANBU-AOE (sp?) version it's translated as BLUE AND DESPERATE BATTLE.
  7. Meh......Triple HHH should have lost the title to Booker T (at Wrestlemania XIX), but in a world ruled by ego we all know that'll never happen. It was also nice to see Stone Cold doing tons of ringwork with Goldberg (I caught a Saturday airing of Raw). It just keeps getting worse too.......
  8. Thanks for the link Myriad (too bad it's only updated to the 12th episode), it's also good to hear that Stand Alone Complex has been picked up for additional episodes (52 in total B) ).
  9. Four hands to transform it. Eight hands to fly it around town. Good Lord, I can already see the price tag on this 1/48 YF-19 (and 21). If you though the price for the Monster was bad, this one is going to be just as painful.
  10. Graham mentioned that (at the moment) Big West has NO plans for a boxset (VF-1S + Fast Packs) for the 20th Anniversary for DYRL.
  11. Although I never got the chance to pick up Federatiom vs. Zeon. I've heard Bandai is going feature a lot more space missions (which sounds great to me). What were the shortcomings in the first game? I hope they've had a chance to improve over an already GREAT game. B)
  12. That's a great set of pics joseph! Where did you end up finding those?
  13. I'm sorry my photoshopping skills are so suck ass right now, great job for cleaning up da picture Mathieu.....they really put a TON of detail into the VF-0D (even Shin and Edgar look cool).
  14. Hey KingNor? What is the mecha directly to the right of Unit 2? The camoflauge armor looks pretty damned sweet.......
  15. UN Spacy

    max 1s 1/48

    Yup.....just paint the arrow and you're ready to roll. BTW....that isn't a photoshop (is it?). PS - If anyone is looking for a recast 1/48 VF-1S Head, I have one in the For Trade Forum.....PM me if you're interested.
  16. Where do you see the YF-19? It's been three years. I really miss it. GreenGuy42 will have to let me know to b/c I don't see any sort of YF-19FP in that picture (Yamato's anyways). The partial flightsuit and helmet look absolutely great though....it's too bad they didn't get a Hikaru look alike to cosplay it. That'd pretty damn cool IMHO.
  17. Argggghhhhh. Why did I have to attend that BBQ today?!?! Now they're all sold out and I'm out of luck. Looks like I'll have to starting checking E-Bay.
  18. You're damn right. Personally, I think he's the most overrated character in the Star Wars movies. Just a two bit thug that think's he's God with a blaster. I'm glad he got his ass handed to him by Han Solo (the same goes for his loser dad).
  19. I picked the one mecha that I've never seen get beaten (except in Macross Plus.....that wasn't fair). The MONSTER.
  20. Well, from the moves that we've seen the VF-0 pull off in the first two OAV's. I can see why you think the Zero has the slight advantage over the VF-1. It certainly looks impressive in the dog fights (when they're not getting their ass handed to them by Nora and D.D.), it's too bad most of the action is too fast to fully be appreciated.
  21. UN Spacy

    1/48 VF-1A CF

    I'd rather see a VF-1D than the VF-1A or 1J head. I just feels soooooooooooooooo right.
  22. Did they also use some Dougram mechs as a part of their line? (ShadowHawk Battletech Mech)
  23. Exactly! It also doesn't help that he looks like a complete tool, and in my humble opinion does NOT deserve all that forgiveness. Come on, he deserves to be ridiculed at the expense of others. $4000 and an I-Pod? Heck.....where's my two broomsticks? I feel like doing a little double lightsaber action.
  24. That's quick photoshop is a MILLION times better than what they showed at the recent TransCon (sp?). I guess it'll look better when it's done, I really shouldn't judge a quickly painted n put together sculpt. <_<
  25. Sweet! I guess you're pulling a Graham? You must have a Valkyrie for every transformation......and I'm sure it looks damned good.
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