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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Darn...I didn't know someone already scanned pics. I just started a new thread about it. (scans are a little big bigger). http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...t=ST&f=26&t=523
  2. One more. Look at the little kid holding the Legioss/Alpha Fighter. Hahahahaha. Mikey likes it.
  3. Sorry I couldn't get scanned pics but these aren't too bad themselves. It's from the October 2003 issue of EGM, from their article on 80's revival. There are also games being released from 80's cartoons such as He-Man, Transformers (Armada ), etc. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this one.
  4. UN Spacy

    1/48 Line

    Eventually. YES. But I don't think we're gonna see the YF-19 until mid 2004. With the VF-0 lineup coming late 2004 or early 2005. We've got a long, long, long way to go. Plus, the Yamato Monster, Quadelunn Rau, and "dun-dun-duuuuuuuuuuuuuun" SDF-1 coming sometime in the distant future.
  5. Thanks Effect. I don't remember them bringing in the character of Jason Tood in the Animated Series. In Batman: The Animated Series and Batman and Robin featured the Dick Grayson Robin (who later became Nightwing in the last animated series). In the last Batman series (Batman and Superman?) they featured the Tim Drake Robin (who seemed much younger) and Barbara Gordon as Batgirl.
  6. Whoa. Now THAT was quick....wasn't it posted on HLJ.com just a couple of days ago? Did anyone from the MWF preorder their Smokescreen Alternator from this website? I guess I better preorder my 20th Anniversary from them before it's too late.
  7. I really like the colors Sebastian......do you plan on adding some panel lines? Or maybe a couple of Hasegawa decals? B)
  8. Considering that this game is one of the MOST anticipated titles for all three systems. Plus, the fact that Grand Theft Auto 3 was JUST added to the Greatest Hits List two or three months ago (GTA3 is almost two to three years old). Buddy, you're gonna be waiting for a long time (you'll probably have the YF-19 FP before Soul Caliber II hits the Greatest Hits list).
  9. I remember Clayface from the Batman: The Animated Series, he was ALWAYS a great character (but Batman usually OWNED him most of the time) on multiple levels. Was Jason Todd the name of the character in Animated Series? I remember him being played by an actor that could change his face whenever needed.
  10. Nice! I wasn't expecting a widescreen transfer.......I guess that good enough for me. Salamat pare! I know there are more than three kababayans in the MW forums. Ah...we're so jologs.
  11. For a split second I thought you were fellow MW'er Mechamaniac. Does your VF-1S have any of the QC issues that've plagued mine (at a lot of other ones)? The crooked skull emblem on the tail, the zit, noticable seam on the face, and loose cockpit? As Unicron once said, "Proceed on your way to oblivion."
  12. Yes. I've always wanted the original copy but never got around to picking it up. Do you know what's supposed to be featured on the 10th Anniversary DVD? On a little side note. You see that Big West! Don't you realize the importance of celebrating Anniversaries? I hope you're thinking about releasing a 20th Anniversary DVD / Theatrical Release of DYRL.
  13. It also looks pretty nasty in vehicle mode too.....what's up with the arm placement all the way back there? Hey Chunk-imus Prime! Do the truffle shuffle!
  14. They made a sequel? Why? I wouldn't see this movie if somebody paid me. I'm not that much of a teeny-booper horror flick, give me Dawn of the Dead or IT anyday......those flicks that gave me the chills when I was young.
  15. Stop teasing us guys. We need pics a plenty to satisfy our 1/60 VE and VT hunger. How did you get your copies so fast Toonz?
  16. There ya go. Asides from the 1/60 Monster and Quadenlunn Rau that's the one piece I'd like to see made.
  17. I hope this'll keep us patient until the Fast Packs are out. I guess it'll be just two or three more weeks before they hit Stateside.
  18. Nice design joesph! Did you get the image from a still fram of Episode 2? It looks like the scene at the end where she bringing the landscape to life. I can't wait to see what you come up with next.
  19. Just to let you guys know. If you're interested in picking up Soul Caliber II from Best Buy, the September issue of EGM has a $5 OFF COUPON for all three systems (page 105). I guess I know where I'll be getting my copy from.
  20. Hey Graham. Do you know why Yamato didn't stay with the backpack system from the 1/60 Valkyries? I always felt that the 1/60 backpack's hinge system offered a great freedom of movement. Definently making it less prone to stress fractures that plague the 1/48 line.
  21. LOL. Destroyed, Bulky Lee, etc. What's next? I also noticed there's five more coming soon squares. What do you guys think is going to belong in those area's? Destroid Monster? GBP-1S Armored Valkyrie? The ASS-1?
  22. UN Spacy

    1/48 Line

    Hey Graham. Is there a single person responsible for what Valkyries are made into 1/48's? How much does your opinion count when they're making their decision for the new releases? Is this a group or based on a single person's efforts?
  23. That seems like a reasonable price. But, to sit on that seat for just ONE of the Lord of the Rings movies makes my legs ache. I can't imagine sitting through the first two movies at once. I'm also watching the Two Towers right now. "You will die before your stroke fell." Gotta love that Legolas.
  24. Whoa. Excellent work......is the solution JUST goo gone? Or did you mix it with anything else?
  25. Your link was broken. This one should work. God that looks sweet! http://www.hlj.com/cgi-perl/hljpage.cgi?TAK08230
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