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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. There are plenty of great images HERE. Here's a preview.
  2. I hear ya....it's getting to the point where I'm gonna have to get some fishing line and make em hang from da ceiling. It'll look great on all three modes though.......too bad it's gonna hang there motionless though.
  3. That what I've always wondered. Does Tenshi No Enogu belong the DYRL or Flashback 2012?
  4. I wish my Roy looked as nice as A7's.
  5. UN Spacy

    Macross Figures

    If you didn't get the chance to pick up the Macross Figures at Valkyrie Exchange you're out of luck (I was lucky enough to pick up a set). Availability: Sold Out
  6. Who designed the dress?
  7. It's gonna be interesting to see what they'll be able to apply this technology to. The video of the steel ball is great.
  8. I'm kinda frugal (i.e cheap) so the most expensive item in my meager collection would have to be my 1/48 VF-1A. I picked mine up from an E-Bay auction last year.....probably spent about $130 total.
  9. I don't think I've ever seen this on a Bandai or Yamato product.
  10. What do you think kids? Our new home!
  11. Exactly. It's not like the Fast Packs have an intricate transformation system........I don't think we'll have too many problems with these beauties. Oh, I wouldn't wait for a 2nd or 3rd release too. From what I've heard these puppies are selling like hot cakes, most online stores in the US are already sold out.
  12. Same here. But in my case I gotta wait a lot longer than a day. I just picked up a set of figures and 2 sets of 1/48 Fast Packs from Kevin. That means I'm going over my Macross budget for the week (yes.....some of us have to stop once and a while ). I'll have the VE-1 and VT-1 soon enough....hopefully we'll see more pics this weekend.
  13. I remember that movie! I guess I was too young to notice Gene Simmons (as if the big tongue isn't noticable already), but once I saw ol' Magnum P.I. the movie got a lot better. I think the end of the movie took place in an abandoned skyscraper..........and Gene Simmons got . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . killed by his own spiders when he fell off the elevator.
  14. Thanks for the links CF18! It's too bad the server is so slow right now.......and I can't freaking believe it. They were selling Fast Packs for $300HKD, that's only $38 USD's! What a great price!
  15. For twenty years there have been a lot of songs composed for Macross. If you only had to pick one of those soundtracks which one would it be? Remember. This doesn't pertain to the ACTUAL soundtracks....it's whatever is featured on each movie or series.
  16. It would fall under 1/72. Right, it falls under 1/72, but then again it´s more like 1/65 The VF-11 should have it´s own category Hold on.....it says it's a 1/72 but you think it's supposed to fall under the 1/65 range? How's that?
  17. I've been thinking about picking this reissue up. Do you know if it is going to include one of the microcassettes? Is it also going to include the earpieces (from the original Diaclone release)? BTW......Soundwave superior. Constructicons inferior.
  18. It's looking better and better Less than Super Ostrich! How much time (a day) do you get to work on the VF-4? When did you pick up this piece? What do you planned for the next model?
  19. Is there any news as to whether Takara will be updating Sunstreaker? I wonder if they'll make him like another Dodge Viper. Jeez.....I sure hope so.....you don't mess with da ORIGINAL Autobot brothers.
  20. I gotta agree with you guys, whoever came up with the art on the left page should be shot. It looked really awful....the rainbow coalition Optimus Prime, Megatron statue, happy kid with Legioss. It all looks awful.
  21. That would be a shame b/c the WWII Transformers/GI JOE lineart looked damned good. Anyone know where those pics are? Optimus = Heavy Weapons Transport
  22. Nice! Who handled the design specs for the new Jetfire? The robot mode is pretty nice.....and I totally dig the YF-19 fighter mode. The smell of Macross is very strong for this new Aubobot(?).
  23. UN Spacy

    Macross Figures

    Hey. I'm sure I'll want to trade stuff too....and if I have an extra normal Hikaru or Minmay I'd gladly trade em. BTW.....which figures do you currently have?
  24. UN Spacy

    Macross Figures

    Is anyone ordering a full case? I dear God......I fear I might get two Mao's, two Ishtars, and a Mylene.
  25. UN Spacy

    Macross Figures

    I just put an order through Kevin's website too. That's ten figures (there's two in each pack)? I wonder what are the chances of picking up a Minmay doll. BTW....how limited are Kevin's quantities?
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