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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Did Haruhiku Mikimoto lend his talents to any of the Game Design? (like that poster with Minmay)
  2. Take a rest there..........you're going poll crazy. BTW......What would be the size comparison between a 1/48 (which I also voted for) VF-1 and VF-4. If it's twice as large as a VF-1 I think it has to be larger than a 1/60, the transformation process is something we haven't seen animated before (sorry....I haven't seen Macross 7 yet).
  3. I wonder if they also have the TNG/DS9/VOY Starfleet Chevron that is on all Starfleet ships. I also think they introduced a new type of vessel that is inbetween the Fighter and Corvette.......it's the Gunship.
  4. Supposedly Yamato might have (emphasis on the might) a YF-19 and YF-21 in the works for future 1/48 releases. I'm not too sure about the scale of the eventual Macross Zero Valkyries.
  5. You also forgot the VF-4 (which is the one I want the most). Oh well.....I guess I'll take the GBP Armor too.
  6. True.....I get the feeling that Enterprise's Season Finale (I hope it's built up like an arc) will be a huge reset button. But......I hope they're using the new Delpic Exspanse storyline as a catalyst to the much heard about ROMULAN WARS (that should take place in the later seasons). If they EVER plan on making an Enterprise movie then it SHOULD be about the BIRTH OF THE FEDERATION. B)
  7. The only time we'll see Macross merchandise in the isles of TRU or K.B, is the day when the whole HG debacle is cleared up. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...t=ST&f=26&t=153
  8. Well made and (just like Faye) very revealing. But......not in a good way.
  9. Eek! Does that mean I'll have to watch all the episode after #20 in raw Japanese?
  10. But. You can't end every episode of Star Trek by firing the wave motion gun (or as seen in Best of Both Worlds.....the Main Deflector Dish).
  11. Hahahahaha. What about Asuka? Akira Fubuki? BTW.....it's been a couple of months since we've seen any new footage. Have you stopped production on this movie?
  12. I guess it'd have to be my Soul of Popynica Space Cruiser Yamato (I think Drifand might agree with me on this). It was about one or two years ago when it was still selling for a decent price, to make a long story short I really wanted this item. I think I paid an extra $25 more than I originally wanted to, all in all the final price was around $135 (with shipping). The bad thing is that previous auctions for the SOP:SCY ended for much less.......... Oh well, you try finding the SOP:SCY for a decent price. B)
  13. I would also like to see this fabled picture of the Hory Froating Head. Question time - In the 1984 theatrical release of DYRL. Was Tenshi No Enogu also included (video AND audio tracks) with the ending credits? I always thought that Flashback 2012 was released some years after DYRL originally aired. Yet, on my FX DVD of DYRL we see Lynn Minmay singing that famous song (as if it ALWAYS belonged at the end). Well?
  14. Agreed! Wow imode that's the FIRST EVER Low Viz custom.........you're such a pioneer. Let's cheer this man. B)
  15. Nice! It reminds me of the Crab looking attack fighters from the Comet Empire season of Starblazers.
  16. Actually....IMHO Roddenberry turned over the reigns to Rick Berman by the time Season 3 rolled around (and I think everyone knows that when the series started to turn into the gem we all know). Personally, I could have done WITHOUT Voyager and DS9.......we all know that the cash cow lies in the stories of the Enterprise. Hence....we're going to get a mixed cast for Star Trek 11. Admiral Janeway (with a cameo from Captain Picard and/or Captain Sisko) Captain Riker Colonel (Commander) Nerys Lt. Cmdr. LaForge Counselor Troi Chief Engineer Torres Doctor Bashir Science Officer 7 of 9
  17. IMHO I think Patrick Stewart and Brent Spiner's involvement WITH the production process totally hindered The Next Generation movies. In the TNG television series it was ALL the crew. By the time TNG's movies rolled around it turned into the freaking Picard and Data show. Leaving the table scraps for Riker, Worf, and Troi. While Crusher and LaForge gets nothing but bones..... It was Patrick Stewart's (he was credited with Associate Producer status) involvement with Insurrection that made it go soooooooooo wrong (which was one of the main reasons for the failure of Nemesis). It was Brent Spiner's involvment with Nemesis that made it go sooooooooo wrong. Hence we have the horrid B4/duplicate android storyline. It was indeed a nod to The Wrath of Khan, the movie was full of the heart but something went wrong. If Data dies then you shouldn't have a clone replacing him at the end of the movie.
  18. Thanks for the screenshots Gunbuster. But for all we know those could be (and probably are) in game cinematics. I'd much rather see the Transformers game they're releasing in Japan. BTW.....what's the name of that Yellow Autobot in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th pics?
  19. I've seen that Baroness chick before......she's done quite a number of apperances. The resemblance is quite uncanny..... Thanks for the great cosplay pics guys.....
  20. Are you sure you've never been here before? I remember one of the members from the old MW Forums was named Godzilla (Duke Togo). Anyways, welcome to the new MW Forums......congratulations on picking up your first VF-1S. You might wanna take a look at my PINNED thread near the top of the page. Pinned: What's wrong with my Yamato, Bandai, etc. (Pages 1 2 3 ...4 ) Common Repair Questions.
  21. You might wanna take a look at this thread. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...ct=ST&f=4&t=575 A7 did a GREAT job panel lining his 1/48 (compared to my plain Mary Jane looking 1/48's a couple of posts down). B)
  22. I feel your pain.......in the original Homeworld the Research Interface was on a completely different subscreen. In HW2 it's almost as if they're putting too much information on the main interface. I'm sure I'll get used to it.......I guess I'll have to start playing this game a little more.
  23. UN Spacy

    Macross Figures

    Another thing I've noticed about the box cover. How come there's an image of Sara (in the upper left corner)? Was she supposed to be part of the 1st Series of figures?
  24. I haven't been able to try the Multiplayer settings yet. Lemme know if you guys are interested in a little game tonight. What can I say about the demo without going overboard? Gorgeous cinema's and graphics. Excellent soundtrack and very detailed ships. Upgraded interface and tweaks. But....it seems like they could have done more. For some reason it seems like that same ol' game (not that there's anything wrong with that). B)
  25. UN Spacy

    Macross Figures

    One more of Hikaru Ichijo.
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