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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. UN Spacy

    God Help Me

    It's a great time to be a Macross collector..........we're all gonna look back on this year as ONE to remember. B) Thanks to the Fast Packs.....
  2. Great looking colors Deadzone! How long did it take you to finish this repainted Unicron? Are you going to make a custom stand or get the one that's available from various TF forums? B)
  3. UN Spacy

    God Help Me

    You do NOT need to buy every piece of Yamato merchandise that's out there. Don't worry Qrusader because there are plenty of MW'ers that aren't made of money. Don't second guess your latest purchase, the Low Viz with Fast Packs look absolutely gorgeous. B)
  4. It does look a bit odd.........I wish they could have included fingerholds for the Matrix. (I hate Rodimus too....but it's the only Matrix pic I could find)
  5. OUCH! That gunpod is riding a little too close to the ground for my tastes.........
  6. Thanks for the pics CHAN! Those are a LOT of Yammie Fast Packs. B)
  7. I've been looking EVERYWHERE for the uncut version that was only released outside of the United States. Someone posted a link to the DVD but the price was pretty damn high. Do you guys know where I can find the Japanese SF2 Movie (with subtitles)?
  8. I hope Berman and Braga know where they're going with this Delphic Exspanse storyline, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed (but now too tightly) because I've been let down by them in the past. BTW....that's 8:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. Who else is watching it tonight?
  9. I'm suprised there aren't too many pictures of the 1/48 Fast Packs going around these forums. When I get my 2 sets in I'll probably take a couple of shots for you guys. B) Anyone have pics?
  10. Thanks for the pics GreatMoose! How long did it take you to finish up that custom? By any chance....have you heard of the CG Warhammer movie? The last time someone showed me some screenshots they looked pretty good to me. B)
  11. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA TAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I sure hope this gets released in the United States, my 1/48's have been looking for someone to teach them the martial arts. That is a damn good sculpt......
  12. Check it out......it also relates to the STRAIGHT SHOOTERS and BLACKLIST threads. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...ct=ST&f=9&t=912
  13. If it isn't too busy during the holiday season, I guess I'll need a few friends that can last twelve hours in a movie theater. Maybe.
  14. Is anyone else looking foward to ONCE UPON A TIME IN MEXICO (out this Friday). I'm not the biggest fan of Robert Rodriguez' work, but this movie looks like it'll be pretty damned good. You can't go wrong with Johnny Depp and Willam Dafoe was potential bad guys. Too bad I can't say the same about ol' Enrique Igesias (you KNOW he's gonna do major damage with that briefcase of his), not to mention the very yummy Salma Hayek and Eva Mendes. B)
  15. Wow....I remember reading about a Starblazers movie back in the late Nineties, from what I remember of the early draft it wasn't even centered around the Yamato. Instead, the movie was going to center around the sunken U.S.S Arizona (WTF is THAT). I guess the producers didn't like the idea of a sunken Japanese battleship taking all the glory in an American movie. I'm glad the script didn't go any further......what a SLAP in the face of Space Cruiser Yamato (and Starblazers) fans.
  16. Any chance you could get a picture of it next to a cell phone? BTW.....great pickup! How much did you pay for it? B)
  17. I'd like to pick up one domestically too? I'm just worried that it'll be altered to meet the guidelines of todays child safety regulations. If they DON'T change a thing then I'll pick one up here.
  18. Sorry to go off topic. Did Kevin (from V.E) send out any delivery confirmations for the 1/48 FP's or 1/60 Elintseeker or SuperOstrich?!? I think he got them today.......I hope I get them by the end of the week. B)
  19. Now THAT looks absolutely amazing! I could do without the yellow on the face though, but I'll take this Prime ANY WAY I can. It's a great time for Optimus Prime fans! B)
  20. BTW.....what was the correct missile ordinance for Hikaru's VF-1S at the end of DYRL? Near the beginning of the final battle (when he looks back towards the SDF-1) you can clearly see the right wing bearing two bundles of RMS-1 reaction missiles. But near the end of the final battle (where Hikaru's VF-1S departs the SDF-1) you can clearly see both wings bearing four UMM-7 pods. Is this another animation mistake of DYRL?!
  21. Even if there was little to no Zentradi threat after Space War I, the standard VF-1 was still valuable to U.N. Spacy for many years to follow because of it's transformation capabilities. A standard VF-1 should be able to handle numerous tasks. The fighter is an obvious transport for atmospheric tasks, gerwalk for rugged terrain, and battroid fo close quarters (ground or city) engagements. B)
  22. As much as I love Macross......this is one of those titles that you can't miss. Seeing the montage of images *SPOILERS* (Minmay in front of the SDF poster suddenly turning into Minmay in front of the Megaroad poster was GREAT, Misa as Captain, Hikaru in the VF-4. As Smiley424 said.....it ties up the series in a neat package) with Mari Iijima vocals on Tenshi No Enogu (which is my favorite Macross song) is just superb.
  23. You picked some one of the best anime's to mull over..........don't forget about the three or four other Yamato theatrical releases (BE FOREVER YAMATO, ARRIVADERCI YAMATO, FINAL YAMATO).
  24. I've been there a couple of times in the past several years, it's too bad they only carry Gundam (it's just like you were in there....in Japan), SLAM DUNK, and Pokecrap. Although.....they did have a couple of Bandai 1/72 VF-1's a couple of years ago. B)
  25. You know what I've always wanted to see (I think Capt. Rico would agree)? I'd like to see an animation team in Japan work their way into a Trek anime. I would KILL to see how they'd come up with their Starship battles. How sweet would that be? B)
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