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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. I wouldn't really call it a "PERFECT" transformation but the 1/48's really look good in any mode. They may be a bit more expensive that the Bandai and Toynami releases. But......you get what you pay for. B)
  2. Ah.....I don't know what's really going on. But from what I've heard KILL BILL is going to be a two part movie. Is there any more information about the several anime sequences? If it's done by Production I.G then it's gotta be great...... B)
  3. To Noriko Tayaka, Mechamaniac, and everyone else in Isabel's way. Our prayers are with you......stay safe!!!!! I wanna see you guys posting ASAP.
  4. Would these be considered v1.5 or v2.0?!?!? I also hope they're gonna be released for a lower price............
  5. Sorry to go kinda OT but I haven't bought from HLJ in more than a year. I know they've changed their shipping options within the last several months, I'm probably gonna pick up my MPC Prime from HLJ. What's the best shipping option when ordering from HLJ (since they've stopped using UPS)?
  6. That's what scares me......he may LOOK evil but he needs to have the acting chops to play the part correctly (that rough/smooth skin line in Episode 2 didn't help one bit).
  7. UN Spacy


    I voted BOTH. But Yamato is making a BAD decision if they're not going to (eventually) release a GBP Armor set.
  8. Wow.....if you thought the 1/48, Elintseeker, and SuperOstrich boxes were big. The VF-1J + 1/48 Fast Packs is going to be freaking huge.......MW'ers will be crying about the lack of space in their room. Hahahaha. B)
  9. Did they also get Mark Hamill as part of the voice cast? (or anyone else in the Star Wars movies)
  10. That's fine with me.....as long as it holds vehicles (that are scaled to the MPC Prime) and has the same looks as the original G1 cab. From what I've heard is it supposed to be Palisades releasing the cab? I'd much rather have Takara doing the sculpt, productionk, and marketing.
  11. LOL! Master Yoda - "Master Windu. Carry himself a Jedi must be." Master Windu - "Huh?" Master Yoda - "Large is the afro that covers your hair." Master Windu - "Right on......prooooooooper."
  12. For those of you that've seen Alien 3. Does the film have the look and feel of a David Fincher film (i.e Se7en and Fight Club)? I remember back in the eighth grade (back in 92) when some of my friends (who were Aliens fans) trashed Alien 3. I finally got to check it out on FOX television two or three years ago. Jeez, what a horrible movie. ALIENS > ALIEN: RESSURECTION > ALIEN > ALIEN 3
  13. Ask and you shall recieve.
  14. Joey Lawrence looks just great. I know he'd make it big ever since his first WHOA in Blossom. He certainly fills that dark suit well, and it's good to know that we're getting James Earl Jones back for the 3rd installment.
  15. Seeing as Hikaru's VF-1S shouldn't have any of the quality control issues that plagued Roy's VF-1S. It's a pretty obvious decision......... B)
  16. When I'm not too busy with work (doing kindergarten day care) and school you can usually find me playing cards. I enjoy playing (sensible) blackjack and no-limit texas hold em with a group of fellow card players. I also like to spend time fiddling with my VW and I've just renewed my membership at 24 Hour Fitness (a healthy body = a healthy soul). I love taking road trips to Las Vegas and visiting my relatives in the Philippines. I'm also a fan of The Simpsons, Star Trek (TNG > DS9 > ENT > VOY > TOS), Seinfeld, Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, and John Woo movies.
  17. I've been playing more E.T than C.S in the last couple of months. That'll all change when I pick up Homeworld 2 tonight.......... Oh....the Call of Duty single player game isn't too shabby also.
  18. If you're nearby a Fry's Electronics they're selling Howeworld 2 for $39.99 B) .
  19. I don't think I'm gonna paint em since they're my least favorite out of the payload options. As of right now my two 1/48's are decked out in a RMS/AMM combo. B)
  20. I never knew that $112 was considered a sale price for the VF-1S. I guess I was lucky enough (thank to Malich) to find a VF-1S for such a great price. How much are 1/48's selling for at online retailers?!?!?
  21. Once again I think I'll wait for A7's choices before I make mine. B)
  22. I'm not sure which glue Yamato is using for their parts? Actually, my 1/48 Hikaru came with a couple of lose panels (on the right wing) which I put right back on with some Crazy Glue. Also, my 1/48 Roy came with a lose panel on the right leg......... You'd think that Yamato would use a better glue.........
  23. What're your thoughts on this early nineties series? Overall, I thought it was an interesting story with a lot of character depth, inventive mecha designs, and great action (sound familiar). What's the connection with the crossover of Destroids for their toyline?
  24. I guess I'll keep this short and sweet. Couldn't buy my own Macross (only Bandai) toys back in the day. Ya know.....being a kid in the mid eighties and all. Fast foward to the present day, I have my own job and budgeting myself to the point where I can get my own Macross toys (Yamato, Bandai, Hasegawa, etc).
  25. We know. You don't have to shove it down our throats.
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