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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. I would also like to see the comparison pics (if there are any). I have two 1/48's (Focker and Hikky) and one of them is stickerless (Focker). I only applied one or two stickers on the Hikky, since I already started I guess I'll finish applying the rest of the Yammie stickers.
  2. http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/residen...evilapocalypse/
  3. This is probably the ONLY time I'm glad I don't have Tech TV. What an attention whore. B)
  4. Whoa! Great pics Burn. Imagine if they used a 1/48 for those pics......it'd be sweeter than sugar. B)
  5. I don't think the old Macrossworld Forums had an OT Forum did they? It'd make things (like a RIP John Ritter thread) feel a lot better because it's where it's supposed to be. On the other hand I could see an OT Forum getting waaaaaaaaaaay out of hand, it'd just be more drama for the (already stressed out) MODS to deal with.
  6. I gotta go with my very first Yammie EVER (Maximillian Jenius' VF-1A). I was going to vote for either the Super or Strike, but my package from Mylene' is taking a VERY (emphasis on the very) long time to get here. <_< B)
  7. Thanks for the step by step ics Sebastian. Although, even though it's very sturdy I've had that piece pop out on one or two occassions.
  8. SPOILERS! Curse that OLD man and his acting abilities. Actually, his scenes probably got the most laughs out of the entire movie. I also think we've seen silver nitrate ammunition before (Freaky Friday and Blade), and once again Kate Beckinsale saves the day. Cute tush, yummy accent, great shot. Although, I ended up paying $9.25 for the movie ticket (damn Bay Area prices) knowing full well that it's a MATINEE kinda movie. Did anyone else catch the Resident Evil 2 trailer? That was the BEST one of the night. B)
  9. Here's one.
  10. Really? Everytime I end up at Wal Mart or Target they NEVER have any in stock. One of my coworkers was able to grab one, da sonofa even put two on layaway (for his friends). I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll come across one this weekend.........maybe TRU is the best bet. B)
  11. Welcome to the MW Forums Mr. Sci-Fi. You did a great job.....looks like the eyes were meant to light up all along. Do you usually mod most of your transformers? B)
  12. Thanks for the site.......ahhhhhhhhh. You can NEVER go wrong with The Legend of Zelda them. Did you guys hear the theme performed by the Boston Symphony Orchestra (conducted by John Williams)? B)
  13. I'm looking foward to Lost In Translation too. HOW can you go wrong with Bill Murray in Japan? Guess what's the name of his character in this movie? That's right..............it's Bob. Hahahaha. B)
  14. I guess Yamato is just being on the safe side, they don't want the hassle of customers e-mailing them about damaged (in the box) products. I wouldn't mind having the packaging a little bit smaller, it gets harder and harder to find places to store my 1/48, 1/60, and Fast Pack boxes. B)
  15. I just got a call from my friend, he's picking up tickets for the 11 pm or midnight viewing. B)
  16. I've been wanting to see this movie ever since I saw the trailer two months ago. A little bit of the Matrix + Blade = Underworld? It looks interesting nonetheless. B)
  17. I'm not sure if you guys have seen Art Asylum's Starships, but for the price they're a pretty good deal (I already have the NX-01 Enterprise, they're releasing the Enterprise A and E pretty soon).
  18. Also.....don't have conversations about women. You'll end up missing the HUD info about a volley of missles heading straight at you.
  19. Well. If the producers took the time to axe the godfather of zombie movies (George Romero) then something must have been wrong.
  20. Don't forget the wasabi for ol' Nemo. After that.......SAKE BOMB!!!!!!
  21. Is that really a bad thing? Some of us actually liked Resident Evil (I'm one of them), let's hope RE2 is better than the first. Did they find a director for RE2 already?!?!? Based on the footage I've seen from that other video game turned movie (it's a SEGA light gun shooter). I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed about Silent Hill.
  22. What the heck?!?!?! Did anyone else watch the Ironman Match on tonight's Smackdown? I can't believe they made Kurt Angle lose the Championship Belt on Smackdown. Couldn't they have waited for the PPV Special on Sunday?
  23. I don't know if it's just me, but that picture is kinda freaking me out. Hold on.......lemme show it to my four year old niece. B)
  24. I am LOVING the title (I doubt it'll play as well with Pearl Harbour survivors though) of the CON. That certainly got my attention....... B)
  25. Once again wm cheng GREAT work on the Enterprise-A model. Do you think it'd look a lot different if you DIDN'T add your personal touches? I might pick up the Enterprise-E but don't wanna hassle with any seems (like the one you mentioned). The A has the most gorgeous lines out of the other Enterprise's. B)
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