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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Yamato is planning to release the Quadelunn Rau in 1/60 scale. There were several pictures posted in the past........it looks ggggggggreat. B)
  2. I voted for the GBA......it was the only handheld I've ever owned. It's too bad that I sold it to get NBA Street Volume 2. I can't wait for the PSP. B)
  3. Episode 22 is out and {suprise suprise) it's the first time they've done three complex episodes back to back to back. It's also muy caliente.........fan service is up there.
  4. I can't place a vote because FF7 is the ONLY Final Fantasy game I've played all the way through. I must have dropped over seventy hours (from beginning to end) into one of the greatest PS games EVAR. B)
  5. Exactly. Since we're on the subject of interest the polls just closed about forty minutes ago. It's looks like the Governator is coming to Sacramento.......and I did my job. B)
  6. Wow. What a neat little game. Turned based combat........... B)
  7. I'm also trying to get into more foreign films.....I have Battle Royale, Versus, and Shiri on my MUST SEE list.
  8. Is there a shot of Arcee in vehicle mode? B)
  9. Nowadays when we're treated to a Series Finale it usually turns into one lame ass clip show (Seinfeld anyone). But, there are some Series Finale's that stand the test of time (Macross of course). For example........just look at my signature. Hearing Picard give his final farewell to the crew (it'd be MUCH sweeter if there weren't FOUR TNG movies ahead of them) still tugs at my heartstrings. Well? What series finale still stands the test of time? B)
  10. Where's the best place to purchase AND get a MOD CHIP installed? Would I have to ship my PS2 to get the job done?
  11. That is sweet. Now.....where's da scaled Andromeda?
  12. I'll wait until the movie comes out to make my final decision. But, looking at the pictures he could use a little more bulk. Arnold........ah.........vote for me if you want to live. He gets my vote tomorrow! B)
  13. I think it'd be safer to keep your Valkyries out of direct sunlight (espically if they're just gonna sit there in Fighter Mode for weeks on end). I have mine on top of a shelf but they're way on the other side of the room (out of direct sunlight, garlic cloves, and iron crosses).
  14. I'm tired of seein the same ol' VF-1's. Been there. Done that (not that there's anything wrong with that). Yamato needs a breath of fresh air. I think the VF-4 is the perfect choice......... B)
  15. Um. Why does most of the newer pics have battle scars on the hands and grill? Is Takara/Hasbro going to release two versions?
  16. I gotta order mine from HLJ.com poste haste........:drool:.
  17. 1. Lack of variety (as much as I love Yamato how many VF-1A's can you come up with) 2. Lack of funds (to be honest....Macross Valkyries aren't that high (on da list) when I allocate my funds) 3. Storage (I need to start breaking down my boxes or buying more shelves)
  18. Has anyone been able to see this vid?
  19. The scale Bandai used for the NX-01 Enterprise was 1/850. What scales did they use for the Enteprise A and E?
  20. Exactly. I'll believe it when I have Episode 4 on my hard drive.
  21. Nope. Besides.....since the fast packs cover some of the imperfections (crooked skull emblem) I don't really mind it at all. Don't need to spend another $100+ for another VF-1S Roy. B)
  22. Whoa. I wonder what else is on Bandai's potential starship list? Akira class? Defiant class? Intrepid class? B)
  23. Sorry to go off topic but the Prometheus looks like a design you'd see on Starblaers. Neat. B)
  24. Welcome to the MW Forums VF Strike Valk. As you find reading through most of these topics, most of us have different tastes when it comes to Macross valkyries. Personally....I'm gonna use a quote from MIB2. The 1/55's are old and busted. The 1/48's are the new hotness.
  25. UN Spacy

    HLJ Crazy Sales

    Whoa. I just made a couple of purchases........ TAK08230 TF Masterpiece Optimus Prime Convoy ¥9,800 ¥9,800 YMTMC-05 VF-1A Transformable Valkyrie 'Hikaru Ichijo' ¥2,340 ¥2,340 B)
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